Piercings and tattoos...

by hannahpowell 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • hannahpowell

    Hello I am a 15 year old. I used to be a Jehovah's Witness growing up but left the meetings a few years ago. Now I'm keen to go back with my parents but I'd like to know what Jehovah's Witnesses think of piercings and tattoos. I've got 13 piercings in all (double left eyebrow bars, nose stud, 3 studs in bottom lip, both cartalages, two in each ear lobe and my navel... so far). I'm also going to have a small tattoo of a rose on my lower back. Will the brothers and sisters be unhappy with the way I look, even if I dress respectfully when going to the meetings?<br>

    Personally I love piercings, though I'm not sure why. I don't do it to self-harm as some (very few, but still some) do. I'd like to have some kind of design done shoulder/forearm as a 5 year tattoo.<br>


    Please post your comments,<br>

    Hannah xxx

  • andy2tanx

    ...sorry you may not want to hear this, but...

    will they be unhappy about the way you look? Is the Pope a Catholic? Course they will. But I think you knew that answer before you asked didn't you?

    So long a sYOU are happy about how you look, what does it matter?

  • luna2

    Well, if you go back, you should expect to be asked to remove your piercings at some point. You have to know how conservative JW's are in their appearance.

    My son secretly got his tongue pierced and I had a cow. I'm embarrassed about my reaction now, but I was a good JW (okay, at least I still believed in the nonsense) at the time.

  • Billygoat

    I have had my navel pierced for about 12 years now. I did it back when it wasn't really the "in" thing, but I liked it anyway. My first tattoo was about 5 years ago - a kanji symbol on my lower back that means "born again". I just got my left nostril pierced a few weeks ago. Tiny little diamond, barely noticeable, but I love it!

    I say if you like what you do, don't let them change you. But I'm sure you understand they will work very hard to do just that. I don't encourage going to the meetings for that reason.

  • katiekitten

    You were brought up in a fundamentalist super strict religion and you are thinking to yourself "perhaps they wont mind less than 20 facial piercings". Hmmmm........

    Well hun, I say go back in full costume replete with as many bars, rings and bells as you can fit in and see what the response is. I havent been for 7 years, they may have softened up a bit BWHAHAHAHAH

  • Es

    Hello and welcome...like every other poster has said yes they will have a problem. you could get away with the belly button one and the ears but the rest would have to go. And they dont appreciate tatts either they feel you are dirtying your body. Let us know what you decide es

  • simplesally

    Be careful you don't do something that in 30 years you will regret! I see young people with large holes in their ears and tattoos on their face. Well, that certainly limits their job opportunities in a few years. Be careful you don't limit your future with your present desires.

  • DannyBloem

    You can get away with a belly button piercing (some sisters have). But that is here, maybe in USA not.

    But do not expect them to let you be baptized with several face piercings.
    A lot of brothers have tattoo's, when they got them before they found the 'truth'. Once you have them they can hardly say anything about it.

    As long as you are not baptized and play a person who is interested, they will let you. They can not say that much. But if you want more (fieldservice, God forbid, or TS) then they will nt let you probably.

    By the way, why do you want to come back?


  • Frog

    Wow 13 peircings Hannah, good thing your not a bucket lol! My only suggestion if not sticking around to endure their condemnation, and punish you for your personal right to expression. I don't think you will bode well inside this organisation which demands strict conformity from its members. Run for the hills Hannah, don't let them mess with your young mind Frog x

  • Abaddon


    You will really not be accepted as a Jehovah's Witness with your piercings. To become one properly they will all have to go.

    Jehovah's Witnesses believe silly things, like god not liking people with piercings.

    I hope you can build a relationship with your parents, but hope you will not lose your freedom and self-identity by associating with Jehovah's Witnesses

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