ANGRY! Ex-NC State Student linked to BOMBINGS!!!!

by Xandria 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • Xandria

    Ex-N.C. State student linked to bombings
    Magdy el-Nashar spent semester at N.C. university

    Associated Press

  • London identifies four suicide bombers
  • U.S. captures suspect in slaying of envoy

    RALEIGH, N.C. - An Egyptian-born academic being sought by London police as part of their investigation into last week's terrorist bombings spent a semester at North Carolina State University, school officials said Thursday.

  • ( He studied CHEMISTRY! and LEFT before 9-11 so there is a link there too! He left NC June, 2001). Are our Universities training terrorists?

    The Times of London, quoting unidentified police sources, said detectives were interested in locating Magdy el-Nashar, 33, who recently taught chemistry at Leeds University in northern England. The Times said he was believed to have rented one of the homes being searched in Leeds where at least two of the four suicide bombers lived.

    El-Nashar studied chemical engineering at N.C. State University beginning in January 2000, NCSU spokesman Keith Nichols said.

    Saad Khan, the chemical engineering department's director of graduate programs, said he remembered that el-Nashar applied for admission while living in Egypt. But by the end of the spring semester, el-Nashar had changed direction and decided to pursue a doctorate at Leeds instead, Khan said.

    "He came in and he decided to go somewhere else," Khan said.

    In a statement Thursday, Leeds University said el-Nashar enrolled in October 2000 to do biochemical research, sponsored by the National Research Center in Cairo, Egypt. It said he earned a doctorate May 6.

    "We understand he was seeking a postdoctorate position in the U.K.," the university said. "His visa was updated by the Home Office earlier this year. He has not been seen on the campus since the beginning of July."

    Neighbors said el-Nashar recently left Britain, saying he had a visa problem, The Times reported.

    Police have searched several homes in Leeds in their hunt for anyone who aided the July 7 subway and bus attacks that killed 52 and injured 700. Authorities suspect the bombers didn't work alone and that their collaborators or leader are still probably at large.

    The Daily Telegraph of London said police were trying to identify a man seen standing near the four suicide bombers on a railway station platform in Luton, where they apparently boarded a train for London on July 7.

    The Evening Standard of London reported that police spotted a fifth man on closed-circuit TV showing the group at London's King's Cross station about 20 minutes before the explosions.

  • Also this is something that was brought out by this internet video. If it is true there is much more to these attacks. On 9-11 they said,flaming Airline Fuel (Petrol) helped melt the steel in the buildings.

    But video shows alternative explosions in the building~ like precision building drops for demolishing. Ever watch a building come down for construction.. compare it.

    It seems home made plastic' (sp) or construction grade... isn't Osma's Family into the construction business?

    See link and you tell me what you think...

    Also in the intel world there are warnings of further attacks in the USA and other places. Spoke with Col. David Hunt at a Luncheon this past Monday. He spoke very clearly on the issues facing the US and the UK.

    He gave such praise on the handling of the aftermath of the bombings. But he said specifically.. "we need to wake up! Look~ here is this summit going on and because world leaders are there, it supposed to be the most "SECURE PLACE" in the world.

    London has camera's everywhere and when you are there you bet that your photo will be taken 300 times or more! Yet, here are these 4 (at the time it was) people who come in and bomb the trains and bus!" He also said the day before the bombings, talk of terrorism was no where on the agenda, the day after it was number 8 on the agenda. It spoke loudly because every eye was on London and they got in. He also stated we should be on the look out ourselves. If something doesn't look right don't hesitate to call it in. Better to be safe than sorry. He stated be prepared for more attacks.. we are still too open.

    He stated that there are things we need to address head on. Because these people are relentless, even in peace they will not stop. For we will always be "the infidel" and it is their "holy" cause to wipe us off the face of the earth.

    Things he addressed:

    • Transportation
    • Airlines
    • Trains
    • Computer Services
    • Other Security Concerns

    Mark (my husband and David~ I took the photo) Him speaking to us at the John Locke Luncheon.


  • RichieRich

    So X, you close to Raleigh? (you don't have to answer, or you can PM)

    yeah, the news is eat up with this crap today. So what, he isn't here anymore! And if he is, you tell him to come on down 1010 and see what happens!!

  • Xandria

    Yes, Rich I am close. I have family and friends who are alumni & some who are professors with NC State, Duke and UNC. I am wondering how many more people in our colleges have ties like this. It is something to think about seriously.

    He may not be here anymore.. but how many of his compatriots are?


  • talesin


    How many .... hmm ... probably as many as there have been for decades.

    Fear and worrying are not going to help,,, that is their goal, to rile you up and ruin your peace of mind, while at the same time you are helpless to do anything about them.

    Take a deep breath ,,, go read Dogpatch's thread ... ahhhhh,,,, don't let them get you! ((hugs))



  • Xandria

    Thanks Tal ~ the anger comes from a legit concern of are we training our own nightmares ?


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