What did you hear to get that fear? (No.1)

by A Paduan 7 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • A Paduan
    A Paduan

    I thought I might start a series of presentations to assist critical thinking and the dispelling of fearful conceptions about biblical text. I have no particular order of study, just random as I think of it.

    Important to this examination of fearful assumptions is the input of your views, and/or the official jw thought on the topic particulars - anyway, here goes


    1st topic in the series - from Moses and the burning bush

    Then he said, "Do not come near; put off your shoes from your feet, for the place on which you are standing is holy ground."

    So how do you / did you view these phrases - score yourself from three to six

    Do not come near

    1. you are not clean or worthy enough, or
    2. you really don't need to come near

    put off the shoes from your feet

    1. this place is too sacred for you with your shoes on, or
    2. lighten up and lose the shoes - chill out dude

    the place on which you are standing is holy ground

    1. watch yourself around here, tread light and don't stuff up, or
    2. you don't need to come here to be standing on holy ground - where you're standing is holy - so relax, you don't need walk any further to be in a holy place


    If you score 3 then perhaps you might still be jumpy about demunz

    A score of 5 and better may be more beneficial to your health

  • Del

    Ummm...I'm a bit slow (could be the three glasses of wine I suppose)...if I chose the third one, second point: the place on which you are standing is holy ground; you don't need to come here to be standing on holy ground - where you're standing is holy - so relax, you don't need walk any further to be in a holy place. What is that score wise?

  • A Paduan
    A Paduan
    if I chose the third one, second point: the place on which you are standing is holy ground; you don't need to come here to be standing on holy ground - where you're standing is holy - so relax, you don't need walk any further to be in a holy place. What is that score wise?

    Score wise you only entered a third of it - two out of two - 'kindly' extrapolated by this examiner to six out of six - your ears are scoring low in fear

  • Del

    hahaha! Now I get it...much clearer without the wine! 1. = 2 score 2. = 1 score 3. = 2 score so five all up :)) Fear of getting a thumping made me go to meetings - not the fear of god.

  • katiekitten

    WTF! Hey dudes theres a bush over here that talks - look, if I stand close by it tells me to back off. Go on try it - Whaaaa its like an automatic door, you get close and it opens, go back then get close again and it opens again. Jeez I could do this all day, its like the okey cokey...

    you put you left arm in

    BUSH: 'back off your on holy ground'

    your left arm out your left arm in ...

    BUSH: 'back off your on holy ground'

    and you shake it all about (rolls on ground shaking with laughter)

  • potleg

    used to be a 1+1+1 man. Now my score reads "Tilt". How come all these miracles happened in ancient times? When is the GB going to get in on the act, after all, aren't we living in the most critical times in human history? BTW do they do they still do the okay cokay at all witness weddings in England? I know they did when I was a kid

  • EvilForce

    I got a ZERO cause I just figured it was some old guy gettin his lucid dream on payote so just dismissed him as a kook. LOL

  • gumby

    I'm with EvilForce and gotta big zero too.........cept I think the reason Jehovah told Moses to take his shoes off was because he didn't wanna tell moses his shoes smelt like an old lady's bicycle seat and didn't want to hurt his feelings.


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