Don't Try To Convert Me

by LouBelle 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • LouBelle

    On Saturday just past went to an open flea market, browsing around, looking for things to buy, goodies to eat and the like. Passing a religious books stand, I just stopped to see if there was anything worth reading. Noticed something on the flood but didn't take it as it wasn't anything substantial.....So the chap behind the table asks me if I read my bible.....I started feeling nauseous from then. When I said yes I do make time, when I actually want to read my bible & just rely on God / Spirit to direct me.....He launches into setting aside 20 minutes a day schedule, do I know when gods' presence is & who the king of the north & south are & where the kingdom is going to be set up.....I threw up my hands & said "I've just come out of the Jehovah's Witness Cult and am not looking for another religion as I firmly beleive that there are none that have the so called truth. I believe that if there is a god he'll show it to me. I don't want to be converted and am happy thinking freely for myself"

    My goodness if he didn't just ignore me and carry on blabbing away. He reminded me so much of the witnesses, they aren't interested in you or what you have to say, or even listen to what you have to say - he carried on about everyone being gathered to Jerusalem, a literal kingdom of god being established on earth & that there is ONLY ONE FAITH (he has it) and and and and.....

    He wanted to come for a cuppa tea......

    Thank goodness I avoided giving my address & tele number. This woman is not up for convertion. I want nothing to do with the religions of the world. Let me be.


  • Satanus
    that there is ONLY ONE FAITH (he has it)

    Um, that would probably be more acurately called disease. Diseases like to be spread around. It's the mind virus that drives his mouth to froth like that.


  • kwintestal

    In the future, cut him off and say, "I'm sorry. I was just trying to be polite. I was looking for books to burn on my alter to Satan for my sacrifice tonight." That should stop him in his tracks.


  • greendawn

    After the experience you had with the dubs and their judicial committees I am not surprised that you are sick and tired of religions that seek to convert people to their ideology.

  • sweet tee
    sweet tee

    I'm with YOU LouBelle! I can't stand it when people talk 'religion' with me. They NEVER want to hear the OTHER side.(like you need someone to give you a bible reading schedule sheesh)

    I asked a friend if she had done any research on Christianity or the origin of the Bible - of course she said no. I told her neither have I, and until I make sure for MYSELF that Christianity is the WAY then I will continue praying and leading a life based on values and principles that I believe are right. After summarizing my past as a brainwashed JW I explained that I would be hardpressed to join a church - I've been misled before and the cost of not making sure of ones beliefs can be very high.

  • tetrapod.sapien


    i haven't had this experience yet, although i am looking forward to it.

    In the future, cut him off and say, "I'm sorry. I was just trying to be polite. I was looking for books to burn on my alter to Satan for my sacrifice tonight." That should stop him in his tracks.


    HA HA! yes, what Kwin said.
  • mrs rocky2
    mrs rocky2

    That's how I feel with over zealous religious folks...I am not going to go from one form of intense mind control to another.

    LOL Kwin - I like to tell people that I am Neo Pagan or Zen Christian!

  • kazar

    My sentiments exactly LouBelle. I empathize with you. I have had similar experiences where these religious people will not take no for an answer. The last time it happened to me was at the only Ex JW Meetup I ever attended. Unbeknownst to me and one other ex witness there, it was three other people launching a tirade for for us to become born again Christians or we wouldn't be saved, going to hell, blah, blah. I left in disgust.

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