Does the organization issue local 'apostate' warnings to BOE's?

by AK - Jeff 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    I mean if Brooklyn became aware, due to calls or letters from an unidentified opposer, do they issue a letter to local bodies of elders warning that a person in their area is an 'active apostate'? Thus giving the elders a 'heads up', perhaps alerting the cong thru local needs parts, and private conversation?

    Or does Brooklyn do little or nothing and let the locals deal with it only if they see problems?

    One local witness came by and affirmed his love for me - he stated that the local congregation seemed to be on a 'purge'. I just wondered if someone in the area had put Brooklyn on alert by letters or something.


  • Mary
    I mean if Brooklyn became aware, due to calls or letters from an unidentified opposer, do they issue a letter to local bodies of elders warning that a person in their area is an 'active apostate'? Thus giving the elders a 'heads up',

    Does a snake crawl on it's belly? You bet your ass they do and if they know where this 'postate lives, it'll be one of the very, very few "DO NOT CALL" that Witnesses would be ordered to obey........can't have the Rank and File possibly exposed to the truth about "the Truth" can we? If this "apostate" isn't already DF'd, he or she will be shortly afterwards, you can bet on it.

  • blondie

    The only time I have seen this is when the person in question has been picketing, sending letters, entering KHs with a view of talking with JWs in the congregation, advertising in newspapers, appearing on radio or TV shows. In other words, they are visible, recognizable and actively speaking against the WTS in public. Then the WTS does alert local congregations as how to handle this, especially preventing them from entering the KH. They may give a general talk on apostates and how to treat them without naming names.

    Someone just fading or inactive, even someone who is DF'd or DA'd who stays in the background, is usually ignored.

    The WTS has to watch out for lawsuits. Why go to to all the trouble of changing the announcement to "soandso is no longer considered one of Jehovah's Witnesses" to then publicize the sin of a specific individual.



    Not really, I have not received a letter regarding myself yet. I think its as Blondie mentioned only if the person is deemed a "threat" do they notify people.

  • DannyBloem

    Are there any signs that brooklyn or whoever monitors this site, and tries to identify apostates.

    I mean there are some 'apostates' here that are still in the cong. some even elder etc. If they do enough datamining they can probably find out who it is. Do they try it?

  • Bumble Bee
    Bumble Bee

    I wonder if it works in reverse as well.

    The last time we were visited by the elders, I think they were feeling us out and told us of a family in the territory that turned apostate.

    Do they inform HQ of known apostates in their territories?


  • Carol

    Blondie, I kinda agree with you, but I am in the situation of having just faded away. Never been df'd, was publicly reproved (remeber when that started after the DC's in 1972? I was the first person in NJ to be PR'd, everyone thought I was df'd because they hadn't all attended the DC yet), put back in good standing (allowed to give talks and to field service)...but because one of the "elders" in the territory I'm in does not like the fact that I am open and honest about all of the dishonesty, lying and immorality that went on in the congo while I was growing up....and the fact that I told the JW's they were not to talk to my daughter (a minor at the time) if I was not at home...he as decided I am apostate and put my name in the territory map as a do not call. When they redivided the territory the DNC was lost and I had it put back in because I like the peace and quiet on Saturday and Sunday mornings!

  • sf



  • kid-A

    In Toronto at least, the locations of apostates were certainly known and marked in the territory directories. These addresses were marked in the field map records and completely avoided by the dubs, but that was a long long time ago....maybe they dont do that anymore.

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