DC 2005

by zack 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • zack

    It was stressed time and again how the FDS in the body of the GB are to be obeyed. A speaker said the FDS only gives suggestions/direction/guidance. Three minutes later he's saying that if we don't heed the "suggestions" offered by the GB, it is tantamount to disobeying Almighty God. I'm all for obeying God-- each of you has the free will to agree or disagree. But to say, very stridently I might add ( and perhaps it seemed more so this year because I was listening through the filter of opened ears) that the GB is equal to God was startling to me.

    What struck me the most was the drama where Philetus tells Timothy that Paul promotes his own ideas over God's; that he's never been married yet presumes to give married folk advice; never had children, but becomes an expert on child rearing; had a solid education yet now tells the people to not pursue what he himself enjoyed--- it was like reading the criticisms on this board of the GB--- it was as if they were answering the very issues raised here, only through the character Paul in the drama. And higher education was so vehemently spoken against. At one time a speaker said that most JW's do not have a higher education and yet they are happy and succesful. His voice rose to invite applause. And right on cue, most applauded. What was telling to me was that many did not applaud. How can one be happy at remaining uneducated?

    In three days time, JesusChrist, the central figure of the Scriptures, only got an honorable mention. There was little talk of love, of compassion, of charity, of hope, of brotherhood, of a common goal towards a common good. I heard no commendation. No thank you. No encouragement. There was nothing to touch the heart. No emotional connection. There was plenty of scripted talk devoid of warmth. Only three speakers seemed to talk to you. The rest were talking down at you as if they were holding the original clay tablets.

    All these years I thought I was hearing everything. Only recently have I really learned to listen.

  • Shania

    Hey Zack, you are right on with your observation...............we are all like you, really paying attention to everything that is said, and red flags are going up constanly as we can't believe what we are hearing............we just accepted everything, but it is like a veil has been lifted and we can really see what the WT is all about. I will let you know very few clapped at wild statments that were made at the DC, that showed me alot in the audience did not agree with what was being said........they were actually making a statement by not applauding....................stick around you will be amazed at what you learn...................no man should follow another blindly, and that is what the WT wants it so called dumb sheep to do.................

  • blondie

    So Jesus barely made honorable mention? That is because no one can reach Jesus without going through the FDS, according to them anyway. So the FDS puts themselves in Christ's place. Would that make them the Anitichrist?


  • HappyDad
    And higher education was so vehemently spoken against.

    I've been hearing this from all of the posters here who have attended. Just about 10 years ago the Society bent a little on getting more education because of the modern job market and being able to support yourself while giving MORE and MORE time to the "important" things.

    The fact probably is..............the ones who start going to college and start their long lost thinking abilities, are such as the ones on this forum and other forums.................who have learned the real truth. These ones are leaving by the droves since. The WT is scared shwitless! Their idea of the ideal dub is one who doesn't know much about anything.......who is in a dead end job..........and follows blindly.

    I think the WT now makes policy according to what we so-called "apostates" say on these forums. How else would they know what the common consesus is unless they monitored this and other forums?


  • luna2

    Very cool that many didn't applaud!!

    I'm wondering how this will play out over the next year. Obey! Obey! Don't dwell on the fact that the WTS hasn't made one true prophecy ever! You are commanded to swallow everything we dish up! Don't go to school! Do not question! Do not research, especially on the internet! Obey!

    I don't know if it's because I've been away so long and am no longer used to this junk or if they are just getting more heavy-handed and dictatorial, but I don't think I'd be able to sit through a even a half a day of this hooey.

  • Honesty

    The WatchTower ship is starting to list heavily. it's only a matter of time before it goes belly up.

  • Frog

    Sounds like you got all the affirmation you needed Zac:)

    The last convention I attended in 2003 very nearly made me physically sick. I knew that only a couple of years before and I would have been lapping up all that bull as though I should be grateful to be so deceived. I'm hoping to catch a convention here in Aus, I doubt I'll last the full distance as you did though. Good for you for doing it though, as I'm sure the experience of using your enquring mind for the first time at one of these things has done you much good.

    Thanks for sharing:) frog

  • potleg

    The WT is like a lot of tin-pot blowhard dictators...do as I say or else...disobey me and you're disobeying The almighty himself...and, we'll make you suffer unless you toe the line...yea right...people are getting tired of constantly hearing this junk. It's all about control, if they can't control people they're out of business. Sure they have pretty pictures, they've had them for years, but where's paradise? Why are people who weren't supposed to die (by WT reckoning) dying off now?

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