What If ???

by Big Jim 1 Replies latest jw friends

  • Big Jim
    Big Jim

    What if Jesus came back to earth the same way he was reported to have done back in Bible times, what do you think would happen?

    Well if the story is true I think the same exact thing would happen with a few changes.

    Yes he would end up being put to death again.
    Of course not on a stake or a cross, probally lethal injection.

    When he started to perform miracles they would of course have to be more high tech. After all what is so hard about turning water in to wine. And lots of the Diseases that were cured back then have cures now. So he would have to probally cure aids are cancer dont you think.

    Then of course if he started to perform to many miracles the CIA and the Secret Service would kidnap him and try to study his brain etc. did you Phenomonem.

    What do you think would happen.

    Oh yea dont forget about the virgin birth.

  • sennabrasil94

    Interesting subject I like this.

    I think he most likely be assinated, He'd probably do the usualy healing the blind, and the paralised people like Christopher Reeves, Wake some dead of coma toast people, run big food drives, Disrupt some consert festavals, beat many world records set by us humans,
    He'd have to out perform many human feats to start getting recognition
    then do radio, Tv talk shows battle some tv evangelists, appear on politicaly incorrect, MTV, then some satanic worshipers would mess with him, Then the tabloids would start in on some scandalis affairs, Man I could come up with a movie

    See ya

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