cell phones and field service

by lucky 1 Replies latest jw friends

  • lucky

    I left the borg before the advent of cell phones (or at least before they were so common), but I was just curious about how they've impacted field service. When I was a pioneer, it seems like we wasted a lot of time driving or walking around looking for other field service groups in the territory or trying to figure out where other groups went for break (or as Blondie mentioned in a previous post, not being able to find a group in the territory after you'd done a RV or an errand on your own was a great excuse for skipping door-knocking). Now that cell phones are so commonplace, it seems like these lovely excuses for time wasting are no longer valid. Can anyone with more recent field service experience expound on how cell phones are used while in service?

  • tijkmo
    Can anyone with more recent field service experience expound on how cell phones are used while in service


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