Anyone have these kinds of JW elders?

by ithinkisee 0 Replies latest jw friends

  • ithinkisee

    In most congregations I have been in in various parts of the country there is a certain type of elder that is such a contradiction I wonder how they sleep at night.

    There are some elders that do a cycle. They go full steam for about a month - taking on additional responsibilities, etc. Then when they just about get to where they can't handle the regimen anymore - they "reset". How? By going on a vacation - skiing, cruise, cabin in the mountains, etc. THen they come back and go extreme-JW again for a month or so ... then head out to "reset" again.

    I'm not complaining about vacation - but it just seems an extreme pattern - hardcore JW-ism, and then getting completely away to clear the mind for a few days/weeks.

    The thing that bothers me is the "regular" paycheck-to-paycheck JW's that have to stick around because they don't have the financial luxury to get away from the madness for awhile.

    Then these wealthy extreme-JWs come back from their vacations all tanned and/or refreshed and get to sit on the Judicial Committees of the people that were stuck in JW-land while they were gone.

    I almost think I could stand dealing with being a JW if I could do that type of regimen.

    Anybody have these kinds of elders/families in your hall?


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