Help in Disappearing!!!!!

by Coqui 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • Coqui

    My family and I have been away from the meetings for about three years but we still are watched carefully and get the occasional "We Miss You" visit. We will be moving out of state 1,500 miles away. In todays internet age with access to so much info, phone #'s and adresses is it really impossible to truly escape? Very easily they find our new phone number even though it will be unlisted and somehow I am sure they will find our new address on the internet. If they did find this info would they have huevos big enough to make a call to the local elders to check on us in our new city?

    Any opinions or suggestions are welcomed.



  • Axelspeed

    Once you move that far (1500 mi) you should be fairly safe, provided you dont make contact with JW in your new location. That is pretty far, for even the most persistant of elders.

    Contrary to a lot of opinion, most elders are too busy with there own life or with the JWs who do show up to put forth the effort for anybody not in the territory, much less out of state. The rest are much too lazy. And I know of no elder who would go searching on the internet for any individual jw. Dont should be ok. Just try not to make contact with the locals in the new area.


  • googlemagoogle

    it doesn't take huge huevos/cojones to make a call to the local elders...

    if you don't have any personal info online, i doubt they can find out anything anytime soon. even if they would, the new elders usually would give up faster than the old ones.

    me thinks.

  • blondie

    Infospace and other such search engines usually have an option where you can remove your listing or you can update it with bogus info.

    When you sign up for phone service, see if they give that info to such websites and request that it not be.


  • Why Georgia
    Why Georgia

    I was surprised how much information has about people. But I suppose its just a compilation of public records that are already available.

    If you do not keep up contact with people from your old hall how will they know where you have gone? Also...out of sight out of mind...

    When you move if JW's show up at your house - just act like every other householder and slam the door or say no thank you politely.

    Your folders may be sent to the new hall where you live and the Elders may make a shepherding visit, that is what was done with my husband - but this can take months.

    Just say " These are not the droids you're looking for..."

    Good luck and I hope they don't find you....!

  • funkyderek


    Get somebody with a suitably authoritative voice (i.e. a man) to call your PO, and pretend to be the PO of your new congregation. He can then get your records sent to him, at which point you can destroy them or keep them if you prefer. Then, don't tell anyone where you're actually moving to, and voila, you've disappeared. They could probably track you down if they really wanted to, but they most likely won't bother.

  • katiekitten

    My dad used to say about God and Satan that they had better things to do than constantly monitor us and what we were doing. I think its probably the same with the elders. Ontop of that they are gutless cowards, and only like being mean to people that thorw themselves in the way of the elders (i.e. by going to KH, by confessing to sins etc etc)

    I could be wrong but my gut instinct is a new set of elders that dont know you wont go hunting you out.

  • potleg

    Move away, be happy, try not to let even your imagination of what elders may do cloud your future. Isn't it amazing how once the WT has it's hooks in you how hard it can be to get them out?

  • Es

    It shouldnt be that big of a problem if you tell them you wish to no longer be visited by them then they should leave you alone. Thats what i have done and so far its worked. And the moving will def help es

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