Did the WTS turn all Christian religions into BTG to sell more books?

by AK - Jeff 0 Replies latest jw friends

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    In the earlier days of Russell there was no indication that God dwelled with just one religious Christian denomination and hated all others. The IBSA persons were part of all sorts of 'Christian' groups and churches in those early days.

    Then later that changed - all religion became 'a snare and a racket', part of Satan's system, the prominent harlot and mainstay of Babylon the Great. It became important to 'get out of her my people' and join with the early Bible students to gain life.

    Was this done due to realizing that the WT publishing empire was primarily targeting "Christian" nations early on, and that if persons were allowed to stay within 'Christendom' they would be less likely to participate in the activity of pushing Russell's literature and keeping his publishing houses busy?

    Of course this would allude to a diabloical intention of shifting doctrine in order to keep Russell's presses rolling. I have no evidence that this is true or not - but it seems if that change had not been made there would prob never have been an organization like we have all escaped from today. Surely, if the original doctrine had been promoted, that individuals could remain in any church they liked and still believe as did the IBSA, then when the totalitarian regime of Rutherford came along most would have just shrunk back into the happy little churches they were members of, and the organization would have withered and died of it's own volition.



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