Wish I could open her eyes

by Pierced Angel 0 Replies latest jw friends

  • Pierced Angel
    Pierced Angel

    A close friend of mine was molested by a brother-in-law when she was about 7 or 8 and he was in his early 20's. She kept it a secret until earlier this year when she wrote him a letter (she said that this was something a Watchtower or Awake had suggested to help the healing process). He didn't really deny what he'd done, just said he "didn't remember it". He's acknowledged the same abuse done to his own two daughters, yet because of his daughters fear of breaking up their family he never was charged by authorities other than the elders.

    Now, my friend is back in the area and is attending meetings where he is present and she is very uncomfortable. Her whole family is in denial and wishes that she would forget about it. But, I see the turmoil it causes and I wish she would quit attending (not going to happen) or at least move to another area, but that would create more hardship I think right now. I am saving up stories and info from silentlambs and this site to show her when she'll let me share it with her.

    I did secretly go to the elders at her hall and I told them that she had been abused by this man and that she was having problems and they should give her some extra attention right now and take it into consideration if she should have difficulties (she has recently quit drinking and has an addiction which she is fighting all the time). They were not aware (so they said) that he had molested more than one of his daughters let alone anyone else so I thought they might have a talk with her to confirm what I had told them, but nothing yet and it's been 2 months.

    Thanks for listening and for sharing, it helps me feel stronger when I try to convince people like her and maybe one of the accounts will ring a bell with her and wake her up.


    "Too much of a good thing, is wonderful."

    Mae West

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