What's Wrong With This Picture?

by Stephanus 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • Stephanus

    I just looked at a news article linked to from the front page of this site:


    Note this little quote from a JW:

    "I don't drink liquor and I don't think we need it here," added another Thomaston resident Ceon Velenseay, explaining she is a Jehovah Witness. "Well, now let me tell you something girly, too many folks get hurt from it and I won't vote for it."

    Can anyone else see the obvious flaw in this quote (beyond a tea-totalling JW, of course!)?

  • d0rkyd00d

    Didn't think jw's were allowed to get involved with politics.......how in the world does she have the option whether or not to vote for it?

    "No cool quote yet. but i'll think of one soon."

  • Stephanus

    Got it in one. Pointing out that a JW is not going to vote for a certain proposal is like pointing out a vegetarian who won't eat a certain brand of hotdogs. You'd think (hope!) a reporter wouldn't be so easily sucked in, wouldn't you?

  • Kent
    Didn't think jw's were allowed to get involved with politics.......how in the world does she have the option whether or not to vote for it?

    That's only the rank and file. Perform an internet search on the names of the people in legal dep, and you will be amazed, I can tell you that. Some of these doesn't do much but travel around the world attending political meetings. They also spend lots of time, money and effort in interfaith connections, like CESNUR and other clubs for cults.

    As I said - perform a search on the names of the JW legal people, and you will get quite a surprise!

    Yakki Da


    "The only difference between God and Adolf Hitler is that God is more proficient at genocide."

    Daily News On The Watchtower and the Jehovah's Witnesses:

  • buffalosrfree

    Kent please to post the names of some of those in the legal department, i would love to do a search and find out about them. buff

  • TheOldHippie

    Nothing wrong in voting on questions like these, my friend - taking part in political elections, choosing between different political parties, is something different.
    Being a member of Greenpeace, SeaSheperd etc., nobody ever raised an eyebrow

  • Stephanus

    Oh, what crap, OH! Like you can vote on a council proposition without being DFed! How many years have you spent in the 'Tower for the lying to become THIS natural to you?

    What is your current status within the Borg: inactive, perhaps? And who have you told about the membership of these orgs?

    I suggest you test this theory of yours and next time your local council has holds a vote on a proposition, tell your elders you intend to vote on it. Until you do and report back the results, your assertion that it's okay to do so as a JW is just so much horseshit!

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