Are jw's allowed to?

by carla 7 Replies latest social current

  • carla

    Are jw's allowed to go to a shooting range? I thought this would be a no-no. Can you clear this up for me? thanks, carla

  • the_classicist

    Technically, it's a grey area for them, but in practice, especially in urban areas, its not something a "good JW" would do.

  • RichieRich

    There are 2 answers.

    The first answer is Sure, they can go, the bible does not say you can not own or use weapons.

    The second, and more subversive answer is: No. the Elders discourage it by intimidating known gun owners in the congs such as I discussed on my thread here:

    That should answer your question.

  • DannyBloem

    Outside America this is a big NO.

    Even playing something like paintball can have serious concequences.

    But then on the other hand in 3rd would countries they can bring a gun in the service to kill dangerous animals (or unbelivers :).

    Personally I hate guns, and willnever go to a shooting range. But as with many things it is up to the CO and PO in the cong. mostly. They make rules if the WTS is not clear about it.


  • RichieRich
    But as with many things it is up to the CO and PO in the cong. mostly. They make rules if the WTS is not clear about it.

    Very true.

  • love2Bworldly

    Some JW rules depend upon where you live and who you know.

  • carla

    Well, you guys keep messing up this "unity" thing they keep bragging about! not just this issue but a quite a few others as well. Seems it depends alot on the elders, liberal or the hard liners. thanks, carla

  • jt stumbler
    jt stumbler

    I think they would say its a "contientious" thing. I am an avid Elk hunter and I never got any grief. As long as I bled the animal well enough.

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