by Utopian Reformist 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • Utopian Reformist
    Utopian Reformist

    The CO in our circuit, has been using the following analogy when speaking about meeting attendance and field service:

    If your employer offered you $150.00 to skip the meetings and work overtime, would you? How would you feel, insulted, right?

    Nice counsel during harsh economic times and without concern for those in the hall who might be financially challenged. Obviously, when the congregation decided to pass a resolution to pay for the CO's automobile insurance and traveling expenses, the unanimous vote was NOT achieved. When asked 'all those NOT in favor, my hand shot right up".

    He who stands for nothing, dies for anything!

  • Fredhall

    It is nothing wrong what the CO said. Where is your motive of coming to the meetings and field service? I think the CO was encouraging you.

  • Utopian Reformist
    Utopian Reformist


    In my opinion, the meetings are NOT mandatory. Hebrews talkde about NOT FORSAKING, in other words a willfull abandonment. When to attend, how to attend, and where should be left to the individual christian. It is part of the christian freedom Jesus talked about.

    Now, here comes a self-righteous (as all appointed men become) pompous and arrogant load binder, attempting to use guilt and shame to induce attendance. Since when does negativity motivate and encourage?

    After all, who is paying his expenses? It baffles me that the WTBS does not attempt to restrain its elders and overseers and advise them that the best way to increase participation is not to mention the lack thereof.

    For example, by not asking for donations or passing collection plates, and simply asking the members to pray for a blessing or for help--aren't all the bills paid and repairs made in the hall?

    Why not make all things a supplication. Throw the burden on Jehovah and ask him to use His Spirit to motivate and encourage and simply apply the golden rule to the flock. Love them and welcome them, all the time, no matter where they have been or how long since you last saw them.

  • jurs

    I remember a similar talk in my hall. They definately drill Not missing meetings into our heads. It use to bother me how many brothers and sisters would NOT miss a meeting when relatives that they rarely see visit and yet would miss a meeting to go on a skiing trip or such.

  • Bendrr

    I remember a pompous elder asking a similar question of a pioneer friend of mine because the guy would take ONE saturday a year to work at an annual tourist event. His question was "how much money is it worth to you to miss field service?".
    When I look back, I think that I only heard such talk about sacrificing work for meetings and service from those who had more than enough money to get by and who worked "banker's hours" which of course never interfered with mandated attendance. Any elder out there working his ass off to support a family and just barely getting by would probably never utter such a question.

  • ozziepost

    This is all about GUILT, GUILT, GUILT.

    It's also a tad illogical. Consider this illustration:
    Suppose the elders in your cong arranged for meetings on three nights per week plus Sunday. Not forsaking the meetings would mean you attend meetings four times in a week. In your neighbouring cong they have meetings on just one night in the week plus Sunday. For that cong it means not forsaking the meetings means attending just twice per week. So the "forsaking the gathering of ourselves together" dictum can mean different things in different places.

    Now who determines how many meetings there are? Is it the Scriptures? No, it's a schedule worked out by imperfect men. How can we require obedience to a man-made law?


    "You can know the law by heart, without knowing the heart of it"
    Philip Yancey, What's So Amazing About Grace?

  • Francois

    Utopian Reformist, yours is an idealistic viewpoint. Unfortunately, the JWs approach to meeting attendance has nothing to do with their concern for your spirituality, it has everything to do with maintaining CONTROL.

    I say you can't be walked on unless you lie down first; and I say fuck 'em.


    Where it is a duty to worship the Sun you can be sure that a study of the laws of heat is a crime.

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