JC meeting and a Lawyer

by pratt1 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • pratt1

    What would the elders say if they came to your house for a JC meeting and you had a lawyer sitting in your house as a witness to the event?

    Would they continue and have the meeting, or would they leave?

    Has anyone done this before?

  • jeanniebeanz

    They are control freaks and since they would view the lawyer as a threat due to his grasp of the law being better than theirs, they would leave.


    (edited to add: forgot to qualify this with stating that this is what I have personally seen and may not be the same for everyone)

  • 144001

    Due to the lack of gonads that is common to those who are elders, my guess is that they would immediately terminate the meeting and rely on some GB guidance which says that outsiders are not permitted, etc..

    Would you really expect these eunuchs to have the courage to conduct their pathetic charade of a judicial hearing in front of an attorney? That's like expecting the Lakers to win the Finals this year, after their loss in the playoffs.

  • catchthis

    Either the attorney goes or they go. Period. End of discussion. If you keep on insisting on having an attorney present, they will hold the JC meeting without you. Plain and simple. You have to plan by their rules, not what YOU think is right and fair.

    Just record the JC meeting discreetly. That can be your 'second' witness.

  • IP_SEC

    They wouldn’t meet with you under those conditions. Only witnesses pertinent to the case can attend and only while they are testifying.

    Plus it’s doubtful they would have a judicial hearing at your house, although I guess if for some reason no other suitable location like the hall would work they might consider it.

  • xjwms

    They would leave, AND, have a few choice words for you.

  • Frog

    Won't be long before they start checking us "apostates" for a wire! hehe. I don't think that most elders are trained for this situation, and would most definitely call in reinforcements before proceeding further. frog

  • Es

    Im pretty sure they would just leave heheheh es

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