Could we make a JW video game?

by Samuel Thorsen 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • Samuel Thorsen
    Samuel Thorsen

    Just a crazy idea.

    You start as a worldy guy and and while collecting points you gets a home Bible study, becomes a unbaptized publisher, reg. publisher, ms, elder and so on.

    If you fail the computer da's you and it's game over.

    Any suggestions?

  • blondie

    But I thought there was one already

  • tetrapod.sapien

    hey samuel,

    like a RPG for bible buffs? it would be interesting. but the way you explain it, the plaers would have to be interested in becoming JWs in the first place. and i don't think many people out there are interested in that. BUT, what if you inverted the premise? the game starts with the player as a full blown elder in a congregation, and the whole game is about collecting enough information to finally get out of the cult.

  • in a new york bethel minute
    in a new york bethel minute

    i like samuel's idea... if it's an RPG type of game, there would be many tasks to be completed along the way... placing mags, doing return visits... attending meetings, commenting, giving talks... all-the-while moving ahead, progressing towards higher posititions in the congregation... you have to make the right decisions too; if you are an elder, you will have to be a part of judicial committee meetings and if you make the wrong decision about whether to DF the person or not, you could be demoted...
    maybe the whole object of the game is to get to be a governing body member. once you get to that position, you win. but it takes years of playing and a lot of indoctrinating


  • inbyathread

    Don't laugh but there was a board game about 10 - 15 years ago called Theopoly. You worked up through the ranks. Ministerial Servant, Elder, Circuit Overseer, Pioneer, Invitation to Bethel. It was an interesting game.

    I wonder why it didn't last.

  • M.J.

    I posted a similar idea here:

    It was more general---a cult simulation game. It definitely would expose the techniques used to manipulate a group.

  • Mary

    Actually, I think it'd be a hell of a lot funnier if we made a video game about Dubs who are trying to leave......the more priviledges you give up the more points you score. The fewer talks you give and fewer meetings you attend, you get even more points. Ooooh, this is giving me ideas!!!!

    OK, you start out and choose what "player" you want to be: GB, CO, DO, Elder, Missionary, Reg. Pioneer, or Publisher. Obviously the higher up the ladder you are, the farther you have to fall than jes' a regular publisher, so there's lots more potential for higher points there. As you begin to slack off, the game is automatically programmed for elders to bombard you with shepparding calls to try and force you back into the fold. If you can resist them, you get points. If you cave-----game over. Then when you stop getting 10 hours in Service every month, you get a visit from the CO. If you resist you can get double points. But then the game gets harder. You have to endure an onslaught from the DO and everyone else in the Borg but it'll land you triple bonus points. Your last challenge is a Judicial Committee that's made up of the entire Governing Body. If you survive that, you win the game.

    So whaddya think?! Pretty groovy idea eh?...................

  • Elsewhere

    I'm afraid such a game would be very very boring...

    Knock, Knock... SLAM.

    Knock, Knock... SLAM.

    Knock, Knock... SLAM.

    Knock, Knock... SLAM.

    Knock, Knock... SLAM.

  • RichieRich

    I got you....

    Shield your eyes now to protect from Photoshop domination!


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