A tragic loss of life

by Gill 1 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Gill

    My mother was formerly a Roman Catholic in a Roman Catholic country.

    She tells me sometimes about a cousin of hers who died after being in labour for nearly a week. No hospitals to go to in those days to have babies. Anyway, the baby was still alive even though mum had just died and the doctor wanted to perform an emergency caesarian section to save the child, along with the childs father who agreed. The RC Priest, who was there and had performed the last rites for the poor woman refused to allow the surgery to take place despite the pleading of the father and the doctor.

    Baby died soon afterwards.

    My mother uses this tragic experience to spout venom, rightly so against the RC church.

    To all the family this was a tragedy made worse for the fact that the child could have been saved, but according to the RC Priest this went against God's Law.

    My mother is now an ardent JW. However, she does not see how the same situation could arise with regard to a life being lost because blood transfusion 'is against God's law' and does not see ensuing deaths from this policy as, as big a tragedy as what happened to her cousin and baby.

    What's with religious leaders and feeling they are in control of peoples medical procedures and do not feel responsible for so many deaths?

  • greendawn

    I think the JW leaders know that the ban on blood transfusions is wrong but they don't know how to get out of it as this is a very explosive situation people lost children and spouses for no reason. They fear an uproar and litigations so they chose to remove the ban step by step to minimise the reaction.

    Meanwhile JWs continue to die by refusing whole blood even as the ban is little by little eased.

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