Fibromyalgia?? what works for you?

by LyinEyes 7 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • LyinEyes

    I have had FMS, for over 12 years. I have been under alot of stress lately and it has caused a major flare up. Lortab doesn't even help today.

    I was on Klonapin for this for a couple of years , but got off it . It really did help ,but I don't want to rush back to this , only as a last resort.

    I am fairly active, and I am sure this flareup is just stress related.

    So how do you cope? Do you take daily meds? Natural supplements?

    I wish they made a full body heating pad right

    Thanks for listening and sharing, Dede

  • jeanniebeanz


    Sounds like you have it much worse than I. Most of my symptoms are fairly easy to control as long as I get a full nights rest and eat right. For me, I take Guaifenesin for the lung issues, and 5HTP in order to sleep well. The 5HTP also helps with the pain in my joints and I don't have the leg-jerks at night quite so bad.

    If stress is an issue, I will also take Valerian root (not too much) after the day's work is done. The Valerian helps with my headaches and light sensitivity too. Also be sure to take a strong B-vitamin complex if you react severely to insect bites. They won't go after you so badly and if you do get bit (mosquitos and such) your arm or leg or wherever won't swell up like a football and it won't heat up as much either.

    Hope this helps. Fibro is such a complicated thing and not the same in any two people. This is just what has helped for me...


  • BrendaCloutier

    ((( Dede )))

    I'm in the same boat. I was diagnosed in 1996, and my current Rheumy feels my onset was 1992.

    Stress and changes in weather, or rainy cold weather like we've had here in Oregon for the last two months (more rain than usual, and below normal temps) are triggers for me, too. I try to be active, but my activity abilities have decreased over the years. I am no longer able to work, even from home, and I'm working on getting my SSD. I "should" have the hearing end of summer.

    I take Effexor for both depression AND chronic pain. It helps in general.

    I have Restless Leg Syndrome, too, and take Klonipin (clonazapam) for that. It helps sleep and the jumpies, but not all the time. I'm up to 1mg nightly.

    I have a mattress heating pad that is like an electric blanket, but underneath. I LOVE it. When I am exhausted or in a lot of pain I'm usually cold, even when it's 90 degrees out! It helps a lot. So do hot baths but our tub isnt deep enough.

    My doc wont Rx narcotic pain meds for even occasional use, so I buy them in Mexico when we go. I tell him about them even though he gets miffed with me. I refuse to be a martyr to my pain (and my alcoholism recovery). Unfortunately after taking one, like I did last night, I am logie the next day and the pain can sometimes come back even worse.

    Meditation helps. some. Eating simple foods in season as much as possible has helped. But only so much.

    Take care. And here's a nice big warm ((((((( Hug )))))))


    PS as Jeannie said, Valerian Root can help too, especially at night. I take 4 capsules. Do Not take it for more than two weeks without taking a break. It builds up in the system and can become toxic.

    Full dose of 4 advil plus 2 tylenol can help. OR full dose of alieve (Naproxin) and 2 tylenol. I tend to take these at night and when I get up. I keep 2 tylenol bedside with water just in case I wake in the middle of the night in pain. It takes the edge off. Sometimes.

    I just ride out the worst days and enjoy the good days as much as possible.

    Oh yeah, hot chocolate or a light caffeine tea in the afternoon is yummy and soul-warming. Chocolate is an aphrodesiac and the caffiene helps improve nerve synapse firing. I think I'll go get one now.

  • LyinEyes

    (((((Brenda and Jeannie))))))

    I have been refreshing my fibro reading, going on websites, one is called Fibrohugs, cute huh?

    I have read so many books on this , so I know alot of things that I need to work on.

    Without going into too much graphic,,,,Monday my brother in law was reported missing, long , long story. Basically , I spent a total of 7 hours on the phones, sometimes a cell phone to one ear and house phone on the other trying to find him.

    I even had to call the state's medical examiner , looking for bodies of John Doe's.

    Well, I am sure that is what started the downhill spiral of stress and drama this week.

    When my Mother committed suicide we had to wait by the phone for hours , to find out if it was her.

    This ordeal, brought back all of that pain. I felt pain for my BIL, and my parents in law. I remembered all too well, the not knowing, the worst fears imagined.

    Thankfully he was found and we are doing all that we can to help him now.

    There was alot more drama , but geessssssssh I wont even get into

    I am trying not to panic , because sometimes these flareups hang on forever, but I have been without major symptoms for so long .

    Today, is horrible. If anyone has ever had a migraine , I tell them that is what this feels like except in the muscles .

    I just, I know that sounds horrible, some Klonapin, and that worked well for me before. Maybe in a few days this will pass and each day will be less painful.

    I am going to look into the things ya'll do for yours, as well.

    Thanks so much, Dede

  • purplesofa

    I did alot of research and what I did not know is that fibromyalgia is a form of arthritis.

    I let myself be tired and did not push myself. It takes time to unwind from stress and I let that teach me things on how to change things in my life.

    I was diagnosed with it in late 20's early thirties and have had real bouts with it.

    I have changed my diet and my lifestyle. I get alot of exercise and avoid like the plague stress.

    Its amazing how much stress we bring on to ourself.

    I know it is not a real solution, but this is what worked for me.

    I take the tiredness and the PAIN as a warning sign to solve or change something in my life.



  • BrendaCloutier

    Dede, I came up with an analogy of what FMS is and bounced if off of my Rheumy:

    FMS is a phantom pain syndrome as is Phantom Limb Pain Syndrome = when someone looses an arm or leg, but they continue to feel the limb and the pain. The body thinks it is in pain, and the actual pain at the trigger points is only a reflection of the pain coming from the pain center in the brain which has become sort of short-circuited.

    I had not read the recent info on the souce of FMS...

    My doctor looked at me with this weird expression and asked where I came up with that? I told him it was one night while trying to fall asleep it just hit me what this crap was. He then showed me an article that had come out just a couple months before in the medical community.

    Weird. But true.

  • Netty

    I try to do what I can naturally. Remember the hype on anti-oxidants? Those are very helpful, and the B Vitamins are great for females with stress. Not just the regular RDA, I take 4 and 5000 % of the RDA. And calcium, lots of it. Also, more than the rda, but not more than 500 miligrams at a time, thats all your body can absorb at one time.

    Also, many people have the symptoms of fibromayalgia, but the truth is, they really have either an mis-diagnosed, or under diagnosed thryoid problem. That is what happened to me. I went into complete shut down both physically and mentally, couldnt even think of my own middle name at times. Until I pushed and persisted to have the "correct" test done to check for my thyroid problem, (after regular blood tests showed all normal).

    Maybe have some thyroid tests done, Dede, see what they show.

    Sorry about what you went through with you BIL, sounds terrible.

  • LyinEyes

    Brenda that is an interesting therory, who really knows , I think each person has different reasons why they have this , mine started really bad after a spinal block when I had a C-section with my last baby.

    Netty, I just dug out all of my supplements and am getting back on track there. The thyroid thing might be my problem too, it was low at one point and I was on meds,I am going to have that checked again. The weather has been terrible here ,and it makes it worse,,,but I am doing better today, mornings are still hell thou.....gesssshh lol.

    So here's looking forward to sunny skies.

    Hugs, Dede

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