What's Love Gotta' Do With It?

by prophecor 1 Replies latest social entertainment

  • prophecor

    I just viewed on the World News, the couple who've been married for Eighty Years. They are absolutely adorable. My wife and I have often stopped elderly couples and asked them, " How in the world did you survive so long? " They, afterward, would explain that they had many tough battles to overcome and we shouldn't associate their being together for 30, 40, & 50 years with blissful co-existence.

    The report brought in scientific data, mentioning how when we fall in love, a biological, chemical reaction occurs in the brain, causing us to crave love just as we would crave hunger, a need that must be met, not as some kind of feeling. After time has passed, however, these, chemical reactions subside and we no longer have the feelings of euphoria once associated with that " One and Only, Love "

    Now comes the test as to whether your relationship will survive the dry periods of no longer being crazy in love. Should your relationship last thru the illusury period of blind romance, the " I've never felt like this before " foolishness. We begin to incorporate a bonding with that same individual, not so shallowly based on the romance and sexual aspects of life, but on community, friendship, trust and sharing.

    I've heard it said from other sources that this was God's way of ensuring that the world stayed populated. It's always been a ruse, a trick, a statagem to make certain that we continue copulating, for without it, much of the planet would choose to leave all the superficial aspects of love & romance, choosing to be alone, celebate, without need of maintaining the traditional bonds of relationships. The human race could die off were it not for this magical act that goes off in our brains when falling in love.

    That being said, I ask, are you still in love? Do you think after all this time, that sex is greatly overated? Can you still find that crazy giddy feeling, where you found your heart a flutter from that special someone? Can you still find those spaces where you used to feel that your lover, spouse or significant other was the only one that mattered in the entire world?

  • lonelysheep

    I saw the program, too. What came to my mind was, it's easier to get a divorce these days compared to years ago, when it wasn't even thought of (as far as I know, anyway). If our times were like that back when this 105 yr old man was in his prime, would they still be married? I don't know. I think that's when it comes down to compatibilty. Getting along and working at your relationship together.

    Are you still in love?
    Being 'in love' to me means respect for that person is still there. So, no...I love him greatly but those feelings of being in love are done.

    Do you think after all this time, that sex is greatly overated?
    No, I still see it as very important in the relationship because I love it.

    Can you still find that crazy giddy feeling, where you found your heart a flutter from that special someone?
    Not really.

    Can you still find those spaces where you used to feel that your lover, spouse or significant other was the only one that mattered in the entire world?
    Yes, actually (sometimes).

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