Wicked neighbours

by greendawn 4 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • greendawn

    Did you ever have bad neighbours that gave a lot of aggravation? What were some of your worst experiences?

    My worst was when a neighbour's crazy son poured a lot of cement in a large sewage pipe near my house and blocked it. It took ages fot the waterboard company to clear the blockage, fortunately we didn't have to pay. His father was a builders merchant.

  • Elsewhere

    lol... now that is a very simple and effective way to kill the property value of an entire street.

  • Mac

    I am the wicked neighbor...

    mac, last house on the left class

  • A Paduan
    A Paduan
    Did you ever have bad neighbours that gave a lot of aggravation?


    They were so bad my wife cried to sleep for about a month, the neighbors, JWS, rather than in any way remorseful, took it as some kind of success - they actually planned it. My mother in law who was going to live with us simply couldn't anymore, and worried about her daughter (ie. where she would live now because of them) - and then she contracted bowel cancer and slowly died anyway, so my wife spent much time away instead (such a blessing eh). Meanwhile, I looked into this jwism because I'd never dealt with such a stinking evil in all my life...

    so here I am.


    I do believe I'm getting it now about what makes them tick - scary, but from my perspective, not undeserved.

  • luna2

    I live in a townhouse, so neighbors are very close and when you get a bad one, it's tough to deal with.

    For about two years we had a horrible family renting next door. These places have 3 to 4 small bedrooms, but that is not enough to accomodate the number of people they had living there... two parents, two grown children, four grade-school kids, two toddlers (one was the daughter's), an infant, and one large, noisy dog.

    The oldest boy (somewhere in his 20's) would frequently sit on the stairs out front with his friends, playing loud rap music, talking loudly or fighting and yelling obscenities. The younger kids were always starting fights with the other kids who lived here and were banned from the playground. The deck out back and the surrounding yard was a hideous mess of toys, broken lawn furniture and dog crap (the association would levy fines and make them clean it up periodically, but within days it would be trashed again). They'd leave the dog outside in all weather, whining or barking it's head off. The police were regular visitors, I'd say at least once or twice a week, either because the parents would be fighting, a neighbor called to complain about the noise (I complained to the association, but I never called the cops), or the oldest girl's ex would come around making trouble. Once we came home to several police blocking the street with weapons drawn on the guy.

    They finally skipped town one night, and the whole complex breathed a sigh of relief.

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