Love's Demise

by Frenchy 9 Replies latest social entertainment

  • Frenchy

    I don't think I ever posted this one but if I did then I apolgize for doing it again. I am of the belief that we never truly get to know one another and that even husbands and wives know perhaps only a small percentage of each other. The reasons for this are manifold. Even those of us who are considered jovial and carefree have storms that rage within us that we fight our entire lives to quell.
    Sometimes the storm wins and slowly emerges from deep within us, unbidden and unstoppable. When that happens it takes its toll on those that are the closest to us. The irresistable rage finally surfaces and we are powerless to stop it and so we sit back and watch it destroy all that means anything to us while we take the blame for its carnage.

    Love's Demise

    I see it now that I'm slowly killing you
    Eyes once bright are dimming under a troubled brow
    Once they sparkled like magical morning dew
    But alas, gone is the fire and ashes be there now
    My heart cries but no sound my lips do make
    Part of the curse that lies deep and dark within
    Futilty and its brother despair do make my soul quake
    As they wage great and desperate war my essence to win
    For some death comes quickly and in great haste
    While still others die not altogether all at one time
    For these he creeps forth slowly, his time he does take
    I fear that this is my fate, he takes away what was once mine.
    How could you understand since I cannot describe
    For what purpose the anger rages within my anguished mind
    So with heavy heart and wide puzzled eyes
    You endure my wild ranting and try to be kind
    Through the years I have waited in vain
    For that which was mine to come my way
    While I've waited for the sun, I have endured the rain
    Suffered the eternal night while praying for day
    In the end when this futile and senseless fight
    Is laid to rest beneath the everlasting night
    Think not ill of the one who's pitiable life
    Was fraught with anguish, filled with strife
    The French Knight

    -Seen it all, done it all, can't remember most of it-

  • circare

    Dear French Knight,

    Once again you have managed to voice most eloquently and succinctly thoughts and emotions that elusively slip thru my own mental grasp. Well done Sir.

  • Frenchy

    I thank thee, fair lady, for thy gracious praise.

    -Seen it all, done it all, can't remember most of it-

  • RedhorseWoman

    Monsieur, I have missed your eloquent prose. Thank you once again. ***HUGS***

  • waiting

    For Pete's Sake, Frenchy,

    I refuse to compliment you. You rightly deserve it, I just am not going to do it. Too many women have already done that. You are definitely going to have an inflated ego.

    Being a Southern woman and all that, can't take a chance a man having inflation of bodily parts.

    waiting, still appreciative, however

    Edited by - waiting on 30 August 2000 20:34:55

  • Frenchy

    Thank you, ladies!

    -Seen it all, done it all, can't remember most of it-

  • Seven

    Very good Frenchy. You are amazing.

  • Frenchy

    Thank you, Seven.

    -Seen it all, done it all, can't remember most of it-

  • Roamingfeline

    Wunnerful, wunnerful. Thanks, Frenchy!


  • Frenchy

    Thanks, Cat.

    -Seen it all, done it all, can't remember most of it-

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