by Zep 4 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Zep

    I've almost finished GTR, just finished reading JW ideas on the 70yr prophecy in 'Let Thy kingdom come'.Seriously, i read most of the 1914 stuff over at osarsif a few months back...and that was pretty good.But COJ, hes blow the gentile times right out of the water, utterly destroys it. I use to me amazed at the 7 times interpretation of JW's, it was proof to me that they had the truth or the answers as far as the bible is concerned, what a joke...unbelievable.I get the feel from reading this book that the 1914 stuff is just bound to topple in the next ten years.After reading this book (almost) its just incomprehensible to me how Dubs could hold onto it.The head hunchos in Brooklyn must be aware of this book, some of them must have read it?....they must be aware of how stupid their interpretions are.But then again...
    I think, when they get rid of this date 1914 ....they will find it even harder to convert people, as if it isn't hard enough.1914 gives them a powerful tool, they can say 'we predicted the future' therefore we are Gods chosen, its one of the things that captured my imagination when i was a kid and made me pay attention to them than i should have.....Same too, with a friend of mine who has recently fallen in with them.I think its converting power is very powerful and would rank highly in the converts mind just going by personnal experience.Without it they will not have the same power unless they can find a new prophecy to hold up as proof of divine approval.

  • waiting

    Hey Zep,

    What is the GTR? Obviously not the Great Teacher book.


  • Pathofthorns

    Good post Zep. The 7 times calculations do impress many witnesses (even though most can't explain it.) The problem is that it is the start date from which the 7 times are calculated from are on such shakey ground, and the Society teaches that start date as if it were established fact.

    I doubt few Witnesses really understand the real significance of 1914. If that goes, so does the appointment of God's "channel" for dispensing truth and light to mankind. If that wasn't tied into the equation, perhaps 1914 would have been abandoned 20 years ago.

    Anyways, its a good book. Much more substantive than the few pages in the Kingdom Come book. The guy did alot of research. A must read for any Witness.


  • Zep


    Gentile times reconsidered!

  • waiting

    Hey Zep,

    Thank you - got it - not read it yet. Been chatting on the net with you too much.


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