Cult simulation game

by M.J. 2 Replies latest jw friends

  • M.J.

    Just a thought. Probably some other geek has brought this one up before!

    Sounds silly but there's a simulation game for all kinds of empire-building endeavors, in the pattern of "Sim City".

    Think of it. You decide to start a cult. You choose Bible-based, marketing, self-improvement, Buddhist, etc. Do you claim to be God in human form, or that your puppet "holy council" has been appointed by a deity, or that God has revealed special knowledge to you? Then you lay out your primary measures of success--numbers of adherents, wealth, power, influence, , etc...then pick your "BITE model" techniques. Set end of the world dates and watch your activity and numbers go up. Demonize outsiders more and public criticism increases., etc., etc.

    I know it probably won't generate a whole lot of interest but it sure would be interesting, not to mention educational!

  • garybuss

    Religion is just a business without a product. They have the business model pyramid with leaders and followers. They have rallies. They have the hype. Just no product. People pay for the privilege of not getting anything for their money. It's the perfect scam.

    A cult is just a version of the above model without accountability.

  • Satanus

    Great idea. It wouldn't surprise me if there are some games already. Instead of dfing, you starve or burn or get really creative.


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