Correction Re: Hall

by MadApostate 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • MadApostate

    In the "famous Jw" thread, I posted that General William Hall had served as an Officer in one of the 3 early corporations of the society.

    I made that post based on general recollection. However, after making that post I had a nagging feeling that something was wrong, so I checked my notes. I can't find anything to document that Hall was ever a corporate officer. On one page of my notes regarding Hall, I did have a circled notation regarding Morton Edgar being listed as a WTS Officer in 1912. I probably have mixed these facts together.

    However, this does not negate the fact that US Army General William Hall was a prominent leader of the Bible Students in the late 190X and early 191X, which would account for the attitude which would allow Dwight Eisenhower to enter West Point in 1911.

    Here are some facts regarding Hall:

    Hall was a highly decorated career US Army officer, who distinguished himself in the western states Indian Wars, and later during the Spanish-American War in the Philipines. Hall first came into contact with the org when he picked up some literature being distributed at the 1904 St. Louis World's Fair. By 1911, he had become a "prominent" Bible Student, most likely due solely to his military reputation. Hall presented the opening remarks at the BS Convention in September 1911, and was appointed to accompany Russell and 5 others on Russell's famous world tour later that same year. Hall continued a prominent Bible Student at least until Russell's death in 1916. However, I have no further info on Hall after Russell's death. I suspect that Hall left the org after Rutherford became President and started flipflopping the org's stance on the military.

    Hall's prominent military career included serving at the War Department in Washington DC. In 1910, he worked in the Adjutant General's Office. In 1911, his rank was "Major General." In 1912, he was promoted to "Brigadier General", and served as THE Adjutant General for 4 months. Hall may have continued in the military until around 1916. He died in 1927, at age 79.

  • MadApostate

    I'm burying this post in one of my old topics to lessen the chance of a JW troll finding such, and alerting the mentioned DB.

    Are you folks here aware of this JW DB:

    The main page says that "signup" is "instantaneous." Let's all go over there, signup, and spam the hell out of those hypocrites all dressed up in Halloween costumes.(sorry trekkies) They also have their email addresses posted!!!

    Take a look at these posts:

    !Internet alert!
    I just stumbled accross a BBS called that's obviously apostate. They even say on top: "remember not to stumble the brothers!" But then it has apostate/opposition links on the bottom. So it's totally obvious. It reaks of the spirit of rebellion. P-U!!
    Live long and prosper,
    Jim (JS3K)
    [Message changed by Jimspace3000 on 07-17-2001]

    Posts: 36
    From: Wesminster, Insanity, USA posted 07-17-2001 07:32 PM
    I know the site. Another is H2O another one to stay away from or classify as NOT useful. They are so angry.
    It is just a place for those too proud to submit to Jehovah's discipline. They are all victims of some arcane action. As if no one ever has to deal with human imperfection and show love...
    I often bemuse on the simple fact that there are no such sites for former X members. X being ANY religion. Those former members just move on. Not so with Jehovah's Witnesses. Don't they see it?
    When driving, try not to sleep...

    Security Chief
    Posts: 1257
    From: Las Vegas, Nevada posted 07-17-2001 08:12 PM
    I've often thought about that too, Q.
    If it was their choice to leave, fine.......leave. Or if they did something that caused them to be disfellowshipped, well they knew the rules when they made their dedication.
    But mostly they just hate. And this is supposed to convince us that they are right? I think not.
    [Message changed by Granmoogie on 07-18-2001]

  • MadApostate

    I just went to the site above usin the link I posted, and they have a "tracker" at the bottom of the page which showed that I came from this site.

    It would probably be better to cut and paste the URL, then go to a searcg engine site, and then leave from there! That way they may miss that their link has been posted here.

  • Farkel

    : I just went to the site above usin the link I posted, and they have a "tracker" at the bottom of the page which showed that I came from this site.

    No they don't. Here's the source mark-up code:

    SIZE="2" FACE="Arial">/index.shtml

    It's straight HTML and ALL visitors will get the message that they "came" from 'index.shtml.'


  • MadApostate


    That's what I see when I go there from a search engine. I've tried two, and both said what you posted.

    However, when I go there straight from here, it says:

    So, if everyone keeps going straight there from here, they will know as soon as they check their tracker!

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