
by Inkie 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • Inkie


    Do you not know that "Jah" is the legitimate name of God. The name Jah is found throughout the Hebrew scriptures. Have you not tried reading a Hebrew interlinear to see this? Examples of the use of Jah are found even in many peoples' names such as: IsaIAH (meaning Salvation of Jah), JeremIAH (meaning Jah loosens), ZedekIAH (meaning Jah is Righteousness), ZephanIAH (meaning Jah has concealed), ZecharIAH (meaning Jah has Remembered), AbiJAH (meaning My God is Jah), etc., etc., etc. The list goes on and on.

    The name of God as described in Exodus, which name we know as Yahweh or Jahveh simply means Jah Causes to Become. The name Jah can be found in many places in the Bible and is a legitimate name. Jah is the name. Anything added to it before or after just defines or describes Jah is all.

    If you have the big Reference Bible of the New World Translation, check out page 1562, top of the page, and it will show all the references for this form of the Divine Name.

    Jesus is not just any messiah of any household god, he is the MessIAH (the anointed not just of any god, but especially and specially the Anointed of Jah).

    The witnesses (the Society) know this, but play it down. The name of Jah is not slang, is not derogatory.


  • Bas

    that's what the pot-smoking Rastafarians always call him, are they the true people of God? praise Bob Marley as a prophet then!!

  • fahrvegnugen

    "Yahweh or Jahveh simply means Jah Causes to Become"

    I think your Hebrew is a tad off. It means "HE causes to become" and Jah is simply the shortened form of the name. In transliterated Hebrew the word is YHWH, from the verb hawah' -- I don't claim to be a scholar, but I take this to mean you can't seperate the YH and use that as a noun "Jah" because the rest of the word WH would no longer make any sense. The word is a form of a verb - not a noun. Any linguistics majors here?

  • Narkissos

    I generally agree with fahrvegnugen: Yh (Yah) is a shortened form of Yhwh, with is found in theophoric names (generally at the end of the name; at the beginning it is rather Yw = Yo or yhw = Yeho/Yaho) and in Biblical poetry.

    Inkie's example of messiah was a funny instance of popular etymology: in Hebrew it is mashiach, a passive participle of the verb mashach "to anoint", whence "anointed". The h/ch is another Hebrew letter, and the y/i just marks the passive mode. There is no Yah in mashiach.

  • Carmel

    jaw, jaw. jaw......When will it ever end.....???


  • zen nudist
    zen nudist

    well its a dog gone shame, but never to late for change...

    so when your love grows cold, just reach out and call his name...his name..

    and yah mo be there

    up and over

    yah mo be there

    up and over

    yah mo be there.....

  • New Worldly Translation
    New Worldly Translation

    I'm off for a jah

    Anyone want to join me?

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