Timeline of tragedies

by gringojj 5 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • gringojj

    Is there anyone out there that is real good with history that could give me a timeline for the past say 3000? years that would list all the horrific things that were happening around a certain time period? Im trying to show my wife that things are not that bad right now as the wts would like her to think. i just need to show her what kind of things people were going through in the past that would show things havent gotten any worse. Thanks

  • GetBusyLiving

    Hey buddy, welcome to JWD. There is a book that deals specifically in detail about this, its called "The Sign of the Last Days - When?" by Carl Olaf Jonsson. This is really a terrific book man, trust me on this one. This 'last days' stuff is one of the very biggest hang ups for dubs. The book shows how there isnt any difference at all in natural disasters and crime per capita and, if anything, things have gotten much better. You can order it at Ray Franz website here:



  • gaiagirl

    Here is a timeline someone put together which goes back about 7000 years. While it covers more than just tragedies, it may help you prove your point: http://www.ron521.homestead.com/HistoryScience.html

  • squinks


    You don't need the whole history, just a few highlights from here and there.

    The story of William Wallace, the real Braveheart. A real guy from Scotland. He wanted Scotland to have independance from England. A right bloody story.

    If you want mans inhumanity to man check out the way the killed the poor guy. It was common practice to kill people for maximum pain and agony back in the good old days before Satan was cast down.

    Back when we were still a colony here in the US a popular way to off a wrong doer was to have them straddle a saw horse with a blade on it and then put weights on them until they were cut in two.

  • Ellie

    yeah, apparently in Scotland it used to be common practice to pack whole villages of people into one building and then burn them alive.

  • squinks


    Stories like that are certainly not limited to Scotland are they? History is replete with brutality from all over the world.

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