Women and Christianity

by JW72 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • JW72

    Hi everyone.

    As some of you may have noticed, I have posted on this subject before, but it does plague my mind sometimes.

    It just boggles me, why women would want to worship God after all the suffering that HE(that says it all!) has set out for them, be it period pain, pregnancy pain, not forgetting the lead up to birth and the after-birth trauma, also problems with the womb before menapause, which can be horrendous(hysterectomy etc.).

    Also the fact that they were created for men is something that I cannot believe women put up with.

    If you are a Christian women, you have to believe that that is your role and you deserve all that suffering.

    Come on women!!!! Please share my anger on this subject, and I'm a GUY for crying out loud!!!

    If I was a woman I wouldn't worship God, even if I thought he EXISTED!!

    Let me know your thoughts, and thanks to women again for putting up with all the 'shit' you have to put up with. (including men) haha.



  • slipnslidemaster

    I guess your vagina hurts today?

    Take a pamprin.

    Slipnslidemaster: "The gods too are fond of a joke."
    - Aristotle

  • JW72

    What is that supposed to mean?

    Please explain, so I can reply properly.


  • Billygoat

    LOL @ Slip!


  • JW72

    O.K, O.K, now I know what it is- very good.

    Thanks for ignoring what I was saying and giving really interesting replies.


  • Tina

    Greetings ((((((JW)))))))))))
    After researching the bible,taking in consideration the context of the times it was written, it beats me why women want to adhere to its patriarchal nonsense in this day and age.
    I view it now as just literature. Written by unenlightened men in unenlightened times.
    I find it ludicrous that men still use ancient tribal rights and mores,to keep their 'status quo'.
    If anything has impeded women in history and today,it's that book.
    It has and still is used as a tool of power and control over women.
    Thanks for this topic. I do think it's an important one. hugs,T

  • JW72

    Hi Tina, Thanks for the reply, I'm glad you see the importance of it.

    I hate all those old women-controlling ideas too!!

    Some men never learn.....

    Take care,


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