JW Control over Our Personal Conscience

by paws 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • paws

    Here in England we are currently celebrating V. E. day which reminds us overwhelmingly of the individual sacrifices too numerous to imagine that prevented our country being taken over by the Nazi Regime.

    As a JW I was told that if I supported any charities such as the Poppy Day for the Veterans and their families, I was actually supporting the whole idea of the War and would therefore be opposing The Kingdom.

    Foolishly, I felt I had no choice but to 'ignore my heart' and its desire to indicate my appreciation to those who sacrificed the ultimate on my behalf. Now I am always looking for opportunities to contribute to all charities as I know it to be a loving thing to do.

    Are there any other personal conscience choices that anyone gave away to the Org. for fear of causing God's displeasure as translated by them?

  • avishai
    Are there any other personal conscience choices that anyone gave away to the Org. for fear of causing God's displeasure as translated by them?

    As a JW you don't HAVE a personal conscience. One is handed to you from the society when you walk into the door.

    i.e "If we want your opinion we'll give it to you"

  • paws

    You are so right Avishai . Perhaps to be more accurate....before entering the Org one does have a reasonably healthy personal conscience that slowly becomes corrupted under threat of eternal damination.

  • zen nudist
    zen nudist

    you can't be hypnotized against your own will...but you can be manipulated to think that you should allow others to lead you and give up your resistance to their directions when you believe it is in your best interest to do so.

  • love2Bworldly

    I know that I enjoy doing things now that I am not following the WTS, and I feel good about it; I have contributed to various charities such as the US Marines outside a local grocery store were sending care packages to the Marines in Iraq, or charities that collect donations for March of Dimes etc.

    It's funny--they are having a blood drive at my office--and I was thinking to myself that some of the JW's may benefit from some of the donors since they can accept a 'partial' transfusion, but out of 'conscience' the JWs could never donate blood back to the blood bank. That makes no sense to me whatsoever.

  • Es

    This year i gave money to the anzacs....i felt so good bout it like i was honouring my pop who had been in the war. Just wish i would have done it while he was alive es

  • paws

    It sounds like the natural tendancy of the heart is to share what we have and indicate compassion for those whose lives are in need of support.........seems very Christian to me.

    I too feel sad about all the times I followed the org instead of my heart but at least we are making amends now.

    warm wishes to everyone.


  • Sirona

    I didn't give to charities because they said the only charity worthwhile is the "Worldwide Work"

    I didn't volunteer for charities because they said the best thing to do was preach door to door for them.

    I didn't meditate because they said it let the devil in

    I didn't help a friend because they told me she was "worldly"

    I didn't get an education because they said I should be focusing on their (warped) "spirituality"

    Thats just what springs to mind.


  • EvilForce

    any time they use the phrase "Leave it to our personal conscience" mean we won't DF you for it, but we will mark you for it and everyone will look down on you, so you best just not do it.

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