JW peer pressure

by ljwtiamb 7 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • ljwtiamb

    There seems to be a common theme going on in the JW community.

    1. At the first sign of a possible committment, every jw rushes you (with guilt) to show that you are serious.
    2. Then, at the first sign of trouble everyone wants you to shoulder YOUR responsibilities.
    3. Finally, they damn/shun you if you can't handle things or choose/decide to quit.

    I've seen this scenario played out with:

    1. Interested couples rushed to engagement.
    2. Dating couple rushed into marriage.
    3. Bible studies & young persons rushed into baptism.
    4. Any jw with 'free' time (meaning non-WT activities) rushed into pioneer service.
    5. Young pioneer brothers rushed into bethel.

    Have you seen the same in your areas? Can you think of other scenarios?

    Don't get me wrong, everyone is responsible for their own choices and actions in life, but the jw community exerts strong influence in the personal lives of individuals, to the point that it is definitely un-christian.

  • Flash
    Have you seen the same in your areas? Can you think of other scenarios?

    ...the jw community exerts strong influence in the personal lives of individuals, to the point that it is definitely un-christian.

    Your examples are unfortunatly too correct.

    The WTS would have the congregations all believe that Negitive Peer Pressure only comes from 'Worldly' peoplenever from fellow Witnesses!

  • Soledad

    absolutely. it almost seemed contagious if one JW couple got engaged, several others would too within a very short period of time. If one couple was expecting a child, several followed suit.

    In all my years as a JW, I never saw a contagion of people leaving the WTS! wouldn't that be exciting now?

  • jula71
    I've seen this scenario played out with:
    1. Interested couples rushed to engagement.
    2. Dating couple rushed into marriage.
    3. Bible studies & young persons rushed into baptism.
    4. Any jw with 'free' time (meaning non-WT activities) rushed into pioneer service.
    5. Young pioneer brothers rushed into bethel.

    Well, I have plenty of experience w/ 3 of those. I'll let you guys guess which ones.

  • LongHairGal

    I agree with all your points but especially the one about pressuring brothers into marriage with sisters.

    I saw the consequences of this peer pressure when a certain brother "courted" a certain sister for a time and for some reason broke off the relationship.
    (Personally, I think he has issues about women). He came under censure by the cong. because he had a history of doing this to sisters. There were two other broken "courtships" or instances of him having led-on sisters or so the stories went. Anyway, because he was no longer viewed positively by the cong. he left and went elsewhere.

  • Flash
    He came under censure by the cong. because he had a history of doing this to sisters. There were two other broken "courtships" or instances of him having led-on sisters or so the stories went.

    So, if you don't marry the first person you court/date your 'marked' eh? What a great idea! Lets not stop there, lets DF them too!!

    Here's a thought, how about letting men and women date and court at their leisure 'until' they find the right person to marry? Wouldn't that be original???

    Ever wonder why there are no commands from God on this subject?? Could it be because He allows US the FREEDOM to find our mates on our own?? To take the time and make the effort to find the right one no matter how long or how many courtships it takes?! The Congregations should take note of it.

    Anyway, because he was no longer viewed positively by the cong. he left and went elsewhere.

    Smart move.

  • Nellie

    Let's not forget the pressure to NOT go to college, but vocational school which will allow you to pioneer is okay.

    The pressure NOT to take certain types of jobs; especially one that might require overtime or travel (or a job transfer to another state).

    The pressure NOT to associate with co-workers or schoolmates.

    The pressure to join the Ministry School (new ones or young ones).

    The pressure NOT to want to follow certain careers, esp. sports, music, modeling or the arts.

  • ljwtiamb

    Excellent points Nellie! Thanks!

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