If they weren't so worldly, then I might...

by jaffacake 1 Replies latest jw friends

  • jaffacake

    After a Roman Catholic childhood, I spent my teenage years becoming a seventh day adventist, being baptised by immersion at about 16 years old.

    Whatever I now think of their doctrine, I worshipped with lovely people who were truly Christians. If I need to find a congregation, even just to pay a one-off visit, it could be my local adventist hall, you never know. Cpmpared with being an adventist, it would be so easy to become a Jehovah's Witness in good standing. Just obey lots of rules and stuff, at least on the surface. Being a Christian is so much harder than that.

    In all honesty, Jehovah's Witnesses are very worldly compared with adventists and Christians from other similar denominations. The Bible description of worldly is so different to the meaning the Watchtower has come up with. The Watchtower kingdom is very much of this world.

  • Honesty

    The JW's are not Christians because they deny Christ at the memorial, they put faith in a 'Victorious Organisation' (see WT March 1, 1979).

    The WTBTS has deceived them.

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