Watctower King

by Quentin 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • Quentin

    Inspired by the poetry of Vachel Lindsey

    Rutherford led boldly with his liquored breath
    (Are you washed in a bathtub of gin?)
    Bethel boys smiled gravely and said: He?s come.
    (Are you washed in a bathtub of gin?)
    Watchtower King with feet unstable
    Reeled and pounded, pounded on the table
    As hard as he was able with a BOOM, BOOM, BOOM
    With whisky soaked voice he declared: I have had a vision. 
    I saw the Watchtower creeping through the black
    Cutting through the world like a golden track
    With unwashed legions following rank on rank
    Lurching bravos with Watchtowers held high
    Passing out books the whole world ore
    Every household sent its half-a score
    Fanatical thousands shrieked and sang
    Big voiced lasses and bullnecked men
    Loons with phonographs booming a blare, blare, blare
    And Rutherford groaned for more
    (Are you washed in a bathtub of gin?)
    Rutherford died drunk with a bottle of booze
    Eyes un-dazzled by the ways of God
    Leaving behind those undaunted by the work ahead
    For they shared in his revile and derision
    They too saw the Watchtower creeping through the black
    Cutting through the world like a golden track
    And upon that golden track for a thousand miles 
    Watchtower kings made money and danced in files

    (Are you washed in a bathtub of gin?)

  • zaphod

    so he was a drinker, then?


  • MerryMagdalene

    Nice job, Quentin ! Well done. <encore, encore>


  • Quentin

    Me thinks he drank alot Z. Smoked them big cigars too, I've been told.

    Thank you MM, I'll see what I can do. Been a long time since I've done any writting.

  • Quentin

    Bringing this back to the top for comments and thoughts.........Perhaps others can do some "watchtower" poems..

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