This is a MUST read folks!

by GlassEye 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • GlassEye

    Last night while my wife and I were reading the newspaper she said "John, you won't believe this, read Dear Abby". Apparently, Dear Abby is syndicated in newspapers throughout the U.S. I have received permission from UExpress and UClick to link this article. It is titled CHURCH'S SCARE TACTICS CAUSE FAMILY TO FLEE FROM THE FOLD. It is our opinion that there were 2 words that were changed/edited. Who do you think they are referring to?

    Take a Peak:


  • Seeker

    I read that and it does sound familiar, doesn't it?

    I did find this sentence of yours alarming, however:

    I have received permission from UExpress and UClick to link this article.

    Since when does anyone need to have permission to post a link on the World Wide Web, which is nothing more than a interconnection of links? Posting more than 'fair use' amounts of copyrighted material is another story, but posting a link is OK. Anyone (even a court) that says otherwise is wrong.

  • Farkel

    Good to see you posting again, John. I believe it's been several years since I've seen you on a board. I hope things are better for you these days.

    Anyway, glad you are back!


  • GlassEye

    Hi Seeker,

    Your absolutely correct. I telephoned them directly because at first, I was going to copy it--post on this forum and make it available for some other sites. Usually, I can get permission rather quickly. In this case it was a little time consuming so I just said, "you wouldn't mind if I linked this" - of course they had no prob. -- just being polite and covering the bases.


  • philo

    Glad to see you back, Farkel


  • GlassEye

    You've gotta luv the Farkel! How are ya old friend?

    I do 'tune in' now and then, but since my fathers illness I have virtually had two families to care for and very little time to post.
    I'm getting along fine and so is the fam. It's good to hear from you! I hope your parents are doing well also. Take care of yourself.

    John (GlassEye)

  • Jools j
    Jools j

    there was a message similar to this one on the ex-mo board yesterday referencing the same dear abby letter. some of them think it pertains to mormonism.
    it could be any of the 'orrible cults out there, couldn't it?

  • GlassEye

    Jools =
    Your correct - it could be... Howver, there are a couple phrases
    that sway me toward believing it may be the J-dubs. But, i could be wrong.


  • ExmormonRobertson

    This is funny, over at the ExMo BB we think they're Mormons

  • Francois

    ExMormon: I don't know why, but I really find it sorta heart-warming that you have decided to hang out with us ex-JWs. I guess we're all birds of a feather here, huh? Hope you hang around and engage in some of the friendly and thrilling nut-cutting we do on each other here.

    We come from an organization we despise because it's so paranoid and hostile with people who don't agree with it; then when we disagree among ourselves we engage in the same behavior we claim to hate in the JWs.

    Ain't human beans a funny bunch?


    Where it is a duty to worship the Sun you can be sure that a study of the laws of heat is a crime.

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