looking for JW inoculation: Has anyone seen these videos on freeminds?

by Check_Your_Premises 7 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Check_Your_Premises

    Hey all. I am looking for some VIDEO/DVDs about the JW that will help to quickly and easily inoculate the unsuspecting "return visit" from the lies they are being told. I was looking at these videos on Randall Watters site, freeminds.org, and I was wondering if any of you fine folks had seen them or if you would have any other recommendations.

    I prefer video to books, because lets face, how many people have the energy to read through all the JW crap long enough to debunk it!?

    Here is the link to freeminds store


  • Check_Your_Premises
  • blondie

    You just have to be sure you get a video (book) that doesn't reinoculate them with some new opinion as well.

  • Check_Your_Premises

    Boy aint that the truth Blondie!

    That is one of the reasons I was asking about those videos. You lose your credibility if you are telling saying, "don't believe them, they are selling something" when you are selling something.

  • garybuss

    These two are REALLY great audio tapes I got from Freeminds.

    Rick and Laverne Townsend Committee Meeting

    Committee Meeting with Ron and Michelle Leeds

    The best video I have yet seen was made by Gloria Muscarella, being disfellowshipped by elders, one of them her uncle. I got my copy from Freeminds but I can't find it on Freeminds now.

    They do work to help an active Witness decide to call it quits.

    I've seen the ones you have mentioned but my favorite are the three above.

  • sf

    I've bought a few items from freeminds.org. One was the audiotape of "What happened in 1980 with Ray Franz?" (the very tape i set up in the front room and blasted the volume so that the jws across the street heard it...yes, they did btw) And a couple of videos.


  • M.J.

    Yeah, I think the 1980 tape is pretty good. Not offensive, even to an open-minded dub (oxymoron?). I haven't heard the ones Gary B was talking about but I will look into them.

    I saw the Witnesses of Jehovah video several years ago and from what I remember it seemed to pain a dark, sinister picture of the dubs. It might generate a little cynicism in the mind of someone who really respects their JW acquaintences. But I haven't seen it in quite a while so maybe someone else can chime in on this one. It did hit on quite a few good points, like the malawi-mexico thing, the JW elders trying to steal a baby girl from the hospital to avert a court ordered, life saving blood transfusion, the wacko teachings in effect when the org was "appointed" in 1919, etc.

  • Check_Your_Premises


    Yeah, I am concerned with getting something that is a lot of propaganda, just show the facts.

    I want to help inoculate/introduce the jw's to my wife's non-jw family, and showing them a bunch of cheap shots will do more harm than good.

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