Christendom's gone get it!

by Norm 0 Replies latest jw friends

  • Norm

    Many who suffer from a inferiority complex find ways to compensate for their real or imagined inferiority. Apparently even organizations suffer from such deficiencies. The Watchtower Society being a tiny and insignificant entity in a sea of huge and mighty churches try their best to compensate by heaping scorn and condemnations on their “competition” which they have lumped together under the name “Christendom”, which stand of all that is detestable and filthy. In true Christian style everybody who doesn’t agree with their particular brand of superstition deserve only death and destruction for being “false” Christians.

    Let us look at some examples of real “true Christian compassion” for those who dare disagree with you:

    *** w79 9/15 28 The "Cup" That All Nations Must Drink at God's Hand ***
    28 For mere selfish reasons those political “shepherds” and “majestic ones” will “howl,” yes, roll about on the ground. As the Sovereign Lord Jehovah calls them to account during the “great tribulation,” they will grimly realize that the day has come for them to be slaughtered and scattered.

    *** w88 1/15 14 Jehovah-Our Strength ***
    As the foremost part of “Babylon the Great”—the world empire of false religion—Christendom’s religion in particular has been weighed in divine balances and found woefully wanting. It is doomed!

    Isn’t it amazing how much they “KNOW” about what awaits “Christendom” in Brooklyn?
    They are doomed to slaughter! How very nice! What a convincing display of the fine qualities of compassion and humility of the part of the Watchtower Society!

    *** w80 2/1 28 Serve the "King of the Nations" and Survive ***
    To this very day they have been courageously acting world wide at the side of the Jeremiah class, proclaiming the doom of Christendom and of the world empire of false religion, Babylon the Great. They are encouraging people of all kinds to desert this doomed system of things and to take a firm stand on the side of Jehovah’s executional forces under the command of a general greater than Nebuchadnezzar, namely, Jesus Christ. Thus they prove that they have put their full trust in Jehovah, “King of the nations.”

    *** w91 5/1 14 Become United by the Pure Language ***
    16 Just as it was Jehovah’s statute that Judah and Jerusalem should be wiped out, so Christendom must perish. Indeed, the destruction of all false religion is near, and those wishing to survive must act immediately.

    *** w88 9/15 15 Listen-Jehovah's Watchman Speaks! ***
    Because Christendom claims to be in a covenant with God but puts confidence in worldly alliances, she will perish under assault by Jehovah’s executional forces.

    *** w87 1/1 30 "Gather Yourselves Together" ***
    Likewise today, apostate Christendom is about to perish in “a great crash,” along with the entire world empire of false religion.

    *** w93 5/1 22 Deliverance at the Revelation of Jesus Christ ***
    Similarly today, opposition to the peace-loving Witnesses of Jehovah has often been instigated by those who claim to represent God, in particular the clergy of Christendom. These pretend to know God, but they reject the “one Jehovah” of the Bible, replacing him with a mystic Trinity. (Mark 12:29) They do not obey the good news about our Lord Jesus, looking to man-rule for relief and rejecting the good news of Christ’s incoming Kingdom of righteousness. All these religious opposers must perish at the time of “the revelation of the Lord Jesus from heaven”!

    Brooklyn has a very touching reverence for their great general and chief executioner Jesus Christ, which is going to wade through Christendom like Rambo and slay all the Trinitarian scum, who don’t “KNOW” God like they do in Brooklyn.

    *** w97 5/1 22 Messengers of Godly Peace Pronounced Happy ***
    15 Things are worse because, as we learned in the previous articles, Christendom and all other false religions will soon be destroyed, as completely as was Jerusalem in 607 B.C.E.

    *** w91 6/1 18 Their Refuge-A Lie! ***
    Jehovah’s judgments are unchangeably recorded in his Word the Bible. Christendom, along with all other false religion, will be destroyed.

    *** w91 6/1 23 Keep Warning of Jehovah's Unusual Work ***
    Religious Christendom will be burned and destroyed along with all other false religions. This will be Jehovah’s strange deed, his unusual work for our day.

    *** w91 8/15 28 Do You Remember? ***
    The warning at Revelation 17:16 shows that Babylon the Great’s political paramours will one day turn on her. As a result, Christendom will be completely destroyed along with all the other false religions.

    *** w91 6/1 15 The Spiritual Drunkards-Who Are They? ***
    Soon, Jehovah will carry into effect his “command upon command, measuring line upon measuring line,” and the result will be catastrophic for Christendom. Her religious leaders and their flocks will “be broken and ensnared and caught.” Yes, like Jerusalem of old, Christendom’s religious systems will be utterly destroyed. What a shocking, unexpected development that will be! And what a frightful outcome because the clergy prefer spiritual drunkenness to Jehovah’s reminders!

    As we can observe the slaughter of Christendom is going to happen “SOON”. That should of course come as a great relief to all “true” students of the Bible, as the biblical “soon” means thousands of years, so there is obviously no need for panic just yet. But of course time is short so get out of Christendom right now folks, who would want to wallow around in the spiritual mud with the spiritual drunk clergy?

    Get out of her folks!!


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