mid-week opinion poll

by MerryMagdalene 8 Replies latest social relationships

  • MerryMagdalene

    Question: Do you find "forum flirtations" to be...

    a) mostly harmless

    b) potentially dangerous

    c) both

    d) neither

    e) other

    ...and please explain.



  • BrendaCloutier

    For me, a 48 yo auntie-type, my flirtations are entirely harmless. I'm also good at sticking my foot in my mouth. Getting better, no longer both feet, most of the time.

    A little harmless flirtation is good for the ego. Helping another feel good about themselves is a possitive action, and just may get passed on in that person's day, so a third party benefits from it.

    However, I can see where it can get outta hand and reprocussions develop at home. It has not happened with me, it has with friends. One woman to the point where she set up a client visit in LA to get together with flirtation and had an affair.

    So my question is "What is C: Both, Alex?"



    PS Good thread, Merry!

  • undercover

    mostly harmless.

    It could go wrong depending on the maturity of those engaging in it, but for most mature, secure people a little forum flirting is innocent fun.

    I don't usually get caught up in too much of it, just once in while when I have time to mess around but I usually find myself too slow to keep up with those threads.

  • IP_SEC

    mostly harmless but potenially dangerous.

    I'd say its less dangerous than rl flirting. Unless your flirting with this guy and dont know it.

  • Elsewhere

    mostly harmless

    *** Rubs against Merry ***

    I sure hope we don't accidentally fornicate!!!

  • BrendaCloutier

    Hey, Else, how's that incredibly sexy leg you mangled this last winter?

  • jeanniebeanz

    Flirtation for the most part is pretty harmless. It can get out of hand and cause hurt for those who forget the feelings of their s/o, and sometimes it can offend certain sensitive people though, so one needs to use common sense.

    Mainly, if you wouldn't say it with your s/o standing over your shoulder, it probably should not be said.


  • IP_SEC

    S/O? service overseer?

    Sorry just being cheesy. You little betty boop cutie


  • MerryMagdalene

    Accidents happen, Elsewhere...not intentional? no worries! <strokes head soothingly>

    Myself, a little flirtation pinks my cheeks and brings a twinkle to my eye ...not to mention a song to my heart

    So far so good...mostly harmless Thanks for all your imput!!!


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