Blood Directive card and the inactive

by bronzefist 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • bronzefist

    Recently got a visit from the elders after 2 years of being inactive.

    My question is "Has any of you fellow "inactivites" ever been offered a new BDC on a visit.

    If the issue is so "ever lasting" life important wouldn't the elders at least ask if yours was up to date? That's assuming they are still handed out.

    Just asking cause I was in a serious car accident that made the local papers.( 6 months ago) Two people were seriouly injuried. I had a hairline sternum fracture. Even though I didn't receive a visit "of concern" then it made me think of the BDC.

  • minimus

    I don't think you need them every year now.

  • nicolaou

    Yep. My Book Study conductor came round a couple of years ago and brought blood cards for me, my wife and our three kids. He held them out with a rather hesitant "Would you still like these?"

    I wasn't about to fall into that trap so I just took them and said "Thanks Richard, I'll think about this and let you know."


  • blondie

    We have healthcare proxies that do not need to be renewed each year. The WTS now uses such forms rather than the small cards.

    I was told by an HLC member that they and the WTS would not give support on the blood issue to an inactive JW.


  • Honesty
    I was told by an HLC member that they and the WTS would not give support on the blood issue to an inactive JW.


    Why not?

    No contributions to the cult? No door-to-door placements? No submitting to the WTS's BS? So what is the reason?

    Maybe the JW is inactive because they are sick?

    Or, maybe it's because the HLC is a front for the WTBTS Gestapo squad.

  • Aude_Sapere
    I was told by an HLC member that they and the WTS would not give support on the blood issue to an inactive JW.


    Interesting. I would guess that they would be uncertain about the patient's diligence in complying. It would be a waste of time for the witnesses to fight to support the 'no blood' decision for someone who was not consciencious in other directives of the society.

    Might also expose them to lawsuits.

    My first thought was that offering the new cards would be a sort of test for the inactive person. But I think it's more that they don't want to get involved in if the person is not actively seeking help with 'no blood'.


  • purplesofa
    I was told by an HLC member that they and the WTS would not give support on the blood issue to an inactive JW.


    Makes me think of a sister I know engaged to an inactive brother in Canada......He was in a trucking accident and died from refusing blood. So he may have become inactive....(for his job) but in the end he held true to the teachings. One of the saddest stories I ever heard.

    Your statement makes me think how judgemental the people are taught to be and it really is sickening.

  • blondie

    As was stated above, the HLC member said they could not be sure that the inactive JW would follow through on their decision not to take blood. Of course, that is ridiculous, because that is one of the last doctrines many JWs let go of when they stop attending meetings. I know of 2 inactive JWs like that.

    I can also say that the HLC members hate to come to the hospital and find that an active JW has not filled out a medical directive card, and now a healthcare proxy. It looks suspicious when the JW fills it out at the hospital as if they were coerced because of the presence of the HLC member.

    Ex-jws can learn from that though to have their wishes in place in writing before a serious accident comes up so that your JW family will not interfere with your wishes and will not make it harder for the doctors and any ex-jws that are supporting your decision.

    Love, Blondie

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