Eye Make-up infor to use with Dubs

by TheListener 4 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • TheListener

    I found these articles while researching information on make-up and eye make-up specifically. Although they are not written by the dubs, I could see the same type of argumentation occurring in a WT article. This might help any who, like me, need to be ready to defend the idea that the society picks and chooses what is acceptable and what is not. This is especially useful information for discussion on birthdays.



    These articles remind me of the Cats are not for Christians parody that I've seen around.

  • M.J.

    Wow, that HW Armstrong spinoff church article sure reads a lot like a WT article.

    I corresponded with an ex Worldwide Church of God member and she told me how she didn't used to celebrate birthdays or wear makeup. I can see that the reasoning is even stronger for the makeup argument, although still not convincing.

    Interesting how the first article talks about moderation in the use of gold. Surprised it didn't mention the possibility of an "OG" (over-gold).

  • LongHairGal

    While JWs are not totally against makeup per se, you should keep the look on the natural side. If you are a type who likes lots of blue eyeshadow, expect somebody (a mature sister who was put up to it) to pull you aside discreetly and tell you that your makeup is a little heavy.

    There was a time in my area some years back that there was a small private war between the no makeup, no frills type and those sisters who were more glamorous. I think it was quietly resolved.

    I was and still am of the opinion that nobody's style (or LACK of style) should be forced on me as long as I adhered to basic bible principles.


  • Dragonlady76

    I can't believe the audacity to have a religious group tell me how and if I can wear makeup.

    I love to wear makeup and do my hair, I do wear what some would consider a lot of makeup, but I never look overdone, trashy or slutty. I have always had women compliment me on how flawlessly my makeup looks and they ask me for advice and tips. I think we wear makeup not so much as for seduction but for our own personal vanity and self esteem. I do remember there being women in our hall who never wore makeup or very little and that was there personal choice, mine was to be madeup and no one should have the right to look down on me and tell me to take it off. And if someone ever did I would tell them where to shove it.


  • LongHairGal


    Yes, they do have a lot of nerve. But over the years there would be problems in congs. with this from time to time. It was a combination of fads and fashion, regional attitudes and sadly, biases of people in the hall.

    Generally, in an area in or near a large city the women are more fashionable and thus ususally wore more makeup. In more rural areas they wore less or none. For example, you could have a sister with her plain shirt-waist dress with no makeup and another with more of a business suit, coiffed hair and makeup. They are both acceptable. The bible says "modesty and soundness of mind" and as long as they fell within this category it was okay. But I have seen halls where there were too many judgmental matronly older women ganging up on sisters who were perceived as being too fashionable and wearing what they thought was too much makeup. If the offending sister was single or divorced she was treated as an outcast. The older women clearly preferred women like themselves who looked like a loaf of sourdough bread. Sad but true.


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