Creator of D&D a JW & a born again??

by Dogpatch 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • Dogpatch

    Was Dungeons and Dragons created by two spiritual enemies?
    Someone email Gary Gygax and ask him if he is still a JW!
    He might not answer me. :-))

    The Myths About Dungeons & Dragons
    Keep in mind that any of the above myths apply equally as well to D&D, as it is the granddaddy of all RPGs. Likewise, some of these myths could have been applied to other RPGs that are similar to D&D in certain ways.

    D&D Was Created By Satanists: Usually, this is an attempt to make D&D look like a tool for Satanists or occultists to gather new members. The truth is that the co-authors of the original D&D game were Gary Gygax and David Arneson, who are Jehovah's Witness and Born-Again Christian, respectively.

  • Dogpatch
  • sf

    An interview can be found here:



  • slipnslidemaster

    It is a nice interview, but says absolutely nothing about him being a witness.

    I am glad to have read it thought, having played D&D when I was younger.

    Slipnslidemaster: "In the End, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends. "
    - Martin Luther King Jr.

  • Simon

    I rememeber hearing talks about D&D being satanic and playing it was inviting demons...

    ...shame because it always looked kind of fun to me. I never did get to try it though

  • Mommie Dark
    Mommie Dark

    Simon, D&D is not as much fun as you'd imagine. You spend way too much time slogging around through dungeon mazes and rolling dice, and if your Dungeon Master is a sadistic bastard (and PD is the most sadistic DM in history I think) then you spend a lot of time trying to find ways to get resurrected or healed or out of some idiot jam.

    I'd rather read a ripping fantasy book than spend all that time rolling dice to see how hard I have hit a giant purple worm.

  • Mommie Dark
    Mommie Dark

    I emailed Gary Gygax this morning bright & early. Here is his reply:


    Such a funny thing, that which you wrote.

    The JWs condem RPGs and D&D in particular as "Satanic." That's easily checked. No member of their organization can espouse such.

    BTW, I smoke, a pack of unfiltered Camels a day. that's also a non-no with JWs....and PC nazis.


    So if he ever was, he's not now claiming it!


  • slipnslidemaster

    D&D was a great game, but it was tough rolling the dice sometimes.

    I loved when the computer games started getting closer to the spirit of D&D. Diablo II is a great example of a good D&D like experience on the computer.

    Slipnslidemaster: "In the End, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends. "
    - Martin Luther King Jr.

  • NeonMadman

    Can anybody document the assertion that Gary Gygax was a JW (I assume he isn't any more)? It would bring me a great deal of personal satisfaction to know that D&D was invented by a JW...

    Back in the days when I was a loyal JW, I got into playing D&D with some friends. This was before the Society condemned the game in the magazines. When the articles about D&D came out, I obediently stopped playing, and one day, put my set out to sell at a yard sale. One of the brothers, a self-righteous pioneer and ministerial servant (we'll call him Brother Extra-Righteous), stopped by the yard sale, and was horrified that I was selling such a demonic object. The only proper way to deal with it was to destroy it, burn it or something like that. I disagreed, saying that it was only a game, and that it didn't need to be classed with objects used in spiritism, it was just better that we as 'Christians' not play the game. While we were arguing, some kid came by and bought the game. Brother Extra-Righteous left in a huff.

    After that, for years, Brother Extra-Righteous inserted D&D into every conversation I had with him, how wrong it was, how 'real Christians' would never play such a game. He would say something about it to others, too, if I was present. Eventually, we moved to another congregation. Several years after the original incident, we revisited our old congregation (where he still attended) for a Sunday meeting. Sure enough, without any corresponding information in the Watchtower article being studied, Brother Extra-Righteous managed to insert some remarks about D&D into his comment during the Watchtower Study. An elder, whom I had previously complained to about this idiot (and who was really a good guy), took him aside after the meeting and read him the riot act.

    After that, Brother Extra-Righteous never mentioned D&D in my presence again. But I don't think that the counsel from the elder that day was the reason. I think it had more to do with the fact that Brother Extra-Righteous was disfellowshipped shortly thereafter for sexually molesting his two young daughters.

  • Mommie Dark
    Mommie Dark

    uh... Madman... read my post above. I emailed Gary G and he says he is not nor has ever been a Jdub. His ex-wife, however, was (perhaps still is) and thus the rumor started.

    Mr. G is quite personable, and shared some personal anecdotes about his family's gaming when I told him my family games together.

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