Need More Info

by troubled 1 Replies latest jw friends

  • troubled

    Does anyone know where I can find more info on the Mexico political card scandal? The Society's involvement with the Regi company? Anywhere else besides the "Watching the Watchtower" website?

    I'm trying to find out to what extent, if any, the organization is currently involved in politics/military and/or economic dishonesty.

    If you have any info, let me know. Thanks!

  • Seeker


    The most detailed explanation of the Mexico double-standard is in the book Crises of Conscience, by Ray Franz. He includes photocopies of the correspondence between Brooklyn and the Mexican branch, with the Mexican brothers basically saying, "Um, are you suuure we should be doing this?" and when they get the response to go ahead, they write again saying, "Um, OK, but are you really sure?"

    It would be funny if it weren't so sad for what the brothers and sisters in Malawi were going through at that very moment.

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