Define Perfection?

by Andee 1 Replies latest jw friends

  • Andee

    I see the words "Perfect and "Imperfect" used a lot by the Org and my JW relatives.

    In regards to my JW relatives, it is used usually to explain away mistakes and just plain bad behavior. In other words, "the Org. made me do it" and I'm not responsible.

    Or someone trying to be the "perfect" witness. What is that?

    My Question for the board: What exactly IS perfection? Can it be defined? How can one claim to be imperfect if one does not know what perfection is? Does perfect fall into the "We don't know" catagory like "truth" does, because in the end it is subjective?


  • drahcir yarrum
    drahcir yarrum

    Perhaps I can define perfection with an example:

    "Fredhall is a PERFECT dupe of the Watchtower Society"!

    Does this help?

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