jw wife laughs at my devilish ears

by BERNARD 1 Replies latest jw friends


    I've been out of the so called truth for two years now,and Im happy. My wife and my mother-law who are still jw, Know for sure I'm caught by satan the devil himself.This being the case,I was in New York yesterday at the seaport looking at the crooked Watchtower building with the time and weather temperture on the top of the building in lights, blinking in red, I was just thinking too myself, those the only two things the watchtower ever had right in the sight of the public,in sight of anything for that matter.

    Anyway I bought these devilish ears that blink back and forth in bright red. As I drove home from New York Back to New Jersey that night, I had my Blinking devilish ears on. The state police pulled me over and asked me, What was my problem? why the blinking red horns on your head ?I explained to them, that I was An ex-Jehovah witness and that my in-laws who are still jw and see me as satan the devil himself, so Im wearing these devilish ears too be who they say I am. The trooper laughs and tells me to get moving. I get home, I have my horns blinking, my wife says what is your problem ? I said "Im satan the devil himself roaring about like a lion seeking to devour someone like you baby.she laughs and that night I was bad with her :)their was
    no "Im A Jw and I don't do that in bed" that night :)

    p.s. I also brung home a portrait of myself that was drawn by hand at the seaport and sung the song "THE GREATEST LOVE OF ALL IS ME" to my wife, the song the watchtower discourages jw from singing, BECAUSE THE WATCHTOWER don't want us to think too much of self. my wife says I lost my marbles but loves it when Im a bad boy, so I do anything possible to be worldly as classified to be JUST TO GET ON her NERVES. IT WORKS TOO just another ex jw working the nerve of a jw. lol

    THE REAL TRUTH STANDS THE TEST OF TIME, IT WILL NOT CHANGE, IF IT DOES ITS A LIE.The sun will rise, The sun will set,AN EXAMPLE of The real TRUTH nobody can change.

  • Stephanus

    She can't be too sold out to the WBTS if she can find that sort of piss-taking amusing!

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