Former Christian Heritage leader pleads guilty to sex charge

by Black Sheep 0 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    Former Christian Heritage leader pleads guilty to sex charge

    01.04.05 11.30am
    by Monique Devereux

    The former leader of the Christian Heritage Party (CHP), Graham Capill, has admitted sexually assaulting a young girl.

    Capill's name suppression was lifted this morning at a hearing at the Christchurch District Court.

    Capill pleaded guilty to indecently assaulting a girl under 12. The charge relates to three or four incidents that happened in 2001-2002.

    The victim's name is automatically suppressed.

    Graham Capill stood down from the CHP leadership in 2003. He has a law degree and has most recently been working for the police as a Prosecutor at the Christchurch District Court.

    Capill was remanded until next month when he will be sentenced. Judge Edward Ryan made the observation that the offending was "not at the serious end of the scale".

    My Dad will be glued to the TV watching this one and wondering how to slip it into a conversation with me.


    But, I bet he turned the TV off for this one and doesn't know anything about it

    From the age of 4 or 5, Antonie Dixon was dragged by his mother to Jehovah's Witness meetings. He was forced to sit for hours in meeting halls, go door-to-door with her as she preached, read the Bible every day before school.

    He grew up with tales of fire and brimstone, of demons and devils, of a new world order, of Armageddon and how the sinners of the world would be wiped out..............

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