JWS and science

by badboy 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • badboy

    What connections ,if any you know about?

  • Bas

    Well I know the WT doesn't respect scientists one bit, saying that they don't believe in God and all that...

  • TheOneBuck

    Buddy, I think you would get more replies if people had an idea of what you were tying to ask. Maybe be a little more specific or clear. That is if you really care what we think :-).

  • badboy


  • NeonMadman

    *** g03 9/22 p. 19 Science Was My Religion ***

    All that training and research experience gradually corrected my romantic childhood view of science. I came to realize that science does not have and will never provide all the answers. In particular, I came to see that science does not provide enduring purpose or meaning to life. Current scientific views predict that the universe will either collapse on itself or dissipate into a structureless mass. If nonexistence were the ultimate destiny, how could there be any meaning in existence?


    g03 9/22 pp. 20-21 Science Was My Religion ***

    Meanwhile, as I participated in formal scientific research, I came to see how many times theories had become widely accepted for a while, only to be proved incorrect later. Part of the challenge for scientists is that our subjects are complicated, while our data and research tools are limited. Thus, I have learned to be cautious about accepting as fact unproved theories, no matter how carefully they may be crafted.

    Realistically, many fundamental aspects of our natural world cannot be explained by science. For instance, why are the available building blocks of life and the physical laws governing them perfectly suited to sustain complex life processes and ecosystems? While science is not equipped to reveal God, his inspired Word provides tangible evidence of his existence and activities as Creator. (2 Timothy 3:16) With this spiritual knowledge, we can appreciate the One responsible for the power, wisdom, and beauty evident in our physical world.

    Further reinforcement of the scientific soundness of the Bible came through my scrupulous examination of various publications of Jehovah?s Witnesses, including the books Life?How Did It Get Here? By Evolution or by Creation? and Is There a Creator Who Cares About You? These publications analyze profound scientific topics and provide keen insight into current research and the conclusions of leading experts. Additionally, they discuss the consistency between known scientific facts and proper understanding of the Bible.


    g98 3/8 pp. 10-11 When Science Speaks?How Do You Listen? ***

    Much of science is dollar-driven and supported by powerful lobbies, as noted earlier. Therefore, before drawing conclusions or getting excited about some new scientific discovery, ask yourself, ?Who is really speaking?? Learn to recognize the hidden agendas. It is no secret that the news media thrive on sensationalism. Some of the press will stop short of nothing to sell their newspapers. And even some more respectable journals allow a degree of sensationalism at times.

    It often happens that science and the news media experience a love-hate relationship. The media can make science look good, but, on the other hand, "often scientists try to control press coverage by refusing interviews unless they can review and correct the copy prior to publication. Reporters, fearing censorship by vested interests, are usually reluctant to show their articles to sources, though they often confirm the accuracy of details with them." So writes Dorothy Nelkin, in her book Selling Science.


    g98 3/8 p. 12 When Science Speaks?How Do You Listen? ***


    a Balanced View of Science

    Notwithstanding triumphs of science that benefit humanity, we must bear in mind that scientists are only human. They are not beyond temptation and corruption. Their motives are not always noble. Truly, science has its proper place in society, but it is not an infallible guiding light in an ever-darkening world.

    The journal Speculations in Science and Technology observes: "The history of science shows that however majestic the leaders of science . . . appear, they are still fallible." Actually, some are more than fallible.

    For the reasons given in these articles, it would be unwise for Christians to get involved in scientific controversies or to promote unproven scientific theories. For example, some may become obsessed with fear of electromagnetism. Then, with the best of intentions, they could begin to encourage others to dispose of their microwave ovens, electric blankets, and the like [my comment - or their aluminum cookware?] . Of course, everyone is free to make a choice, without criticism from others. But those who choose a different option should be able to expect the same consideration. So, it is wise to avoid spreading sensationalism. Whether many unusual claims are true or not has yet to be proved. If some of these claims eventually prove unfounded or even wrong, then those championing such claims not only look foolish but may have unintentionally caused harm to others.

    *** g02 6/8 p. 11 Reconciling Science and Religion ***

    Respect science; acknowledge belief: Jehovah?s Witnesses invite open-minded people, both scientific and religious, to share in a sincere quest for truth in both realms. In their congregations the Witnesses nurture a healthy respect for science and its proven findings as well as a profound belief that religious truth can be found only in the Bible, which forthrightly and with abundant evidence declares itself to be the Word of God. The apostle Paul stated: "When you received God?s word, which you heard from us, you accepted it, not as the word of men, but, just as it truthfully is, as the word of God."?1 Thessalonians 2:13.

    Of course, as with science, damaging falsehoods and practices have infiltrated religion. Thus, there is true religion and false religion. That is why many people have left organized, mainstream religion to become members of the Christian congregation of Jehovah?s Witnesses. They have been disappointed by the unwillingness of their previous religions to disavow human tradition and myth in favor of discovered or revealed truth.

    What is more, true Christians find real meaning and purpose in life, based on an intimate knowledge of the Creator, as he is revealed in the Bible, and of his expressed intentions for humankind and the planet we live on. Jehovah?s Witnesses have been satisfied with reasonable, Bible-based answers to such questions as, Why are we here? Where are we going? They would be more than glad to share these insights with you.

  • badboy

    When was the above written?

  • AlmostAtheist
    When was the above written?

    Between 1998 and 2003. They can't buddy up with science, since they're anti-evolution and they like to think of a blood transfusion as 'eating blood'. Hard to be an avid Discover reader and hold such views at the same time!


  • badboy


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