vivid memory with confusing contradiction...

by zanex 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • zanex

    I had a very clear dream the other night and it continues to play itself out in my mind again and again...I can recall with sharp clarity years ago when I was 12 and very much impressed with my father...he turned to me and said something I will never forget...I had asked him what he wanted...just in general and he told me that he wanted "more" he was not real clear as to what the "more" was and at the time I didnt understand but now, pushing 30, I know what he meant by that.

    At the same time tho he is a jw elder and locked into a box that will NEVER allow him to achieve the ultimate fruition of what he wants. As a member of that org the one thing that has always set him apart as a person is the one thing that he will never be allowed to cultivate...the desire to learn more and to be set apart by that study and wisdom is something that he has always thrived on so it seems rather odd to me that he would do something so contradictory to who he is as a So the statement about him wanting "more" has as much value as the air that was used to speak it...none..sigh. Ridiculous...


  • The Leological One
    The Leological One

    My wife has some strange dreams she remembers well. That's cool you're identifying and reasoning with your dreams, and hopefully someday something good will happen to cause your father to ponder things more.

  • tijkmo

    hey did the test go

  • talesin



    I was reading some old threads, and came across a poem ... it made me think about your dream thread, so I'll share ...

    People in your dreams can actually represent you. It's one of the layering techniques the brain uses when processing.

    Your father (in the dream) is you ... and father at the same time.

    I had asked him what he wanted...just in general and he told me that he wanted "more" he was not real clear as to what the "more" was and at the time I didnt understand but now, pushing 30, I know what he meant by that.

    Your 12 YO self, is asking your fast-approaching 30 self, "What do you want?"

    It's your mind's way of telling you that you have thought this issue through and decided

    'I want "more" than my dad.'

    I wonder what the age factor means -- you were age 12 -- hmm,,, what do you think?

  • The Leological One
    The Leological One
    hey did the test go

    Sorry; just saw this thread again before logging off soon for the night. I think it went pretty well, but in that class, some things can be a little decieving when it comes time to get the papers handed back!

    Hope your night's going great as well as for some different dreams for Zanex~!

  • zanex

    was going through old posts and re-read talesins commentary on my dream and I have to say that I hadnt quite thought of it that way but it DOES seem accurate doesnt it? I kinda had to stop and think about that one. I have tried to think back to my days as a 12 year old but have yet to come up with some type of solid reason as to why i kept going back to that age. its something to think about though....if I think of anything else Ill post it up...thanx again! -Z- ...on a side note I havent had much of any dreams lately...

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