'The Big Kahuna'

by DannyBear 0 Replies latest jw friends

  • DannyBear

    Just finished watching the movie The Big Kahuna, with Kevin Spacey and Danny DeVito...great stuff.

    The story centers around three, industrial lubricant marketing reps, hosting a hospitality suite at a convention site in the midwest. Kevin Spacey plays the part of an irreverent, tell like it is (Farkel) no time for 'dummies' chracter. Danny DeVito a 52 yr old facing midlife divorce and considering suicide. The third character is a squeeky clean young 'Tom Cruise' type, who just happens to be a 'born again,' 'Jesus is all there is' kind of neophyte, to the corporate life, and life in general.

    The whole movie is about these three guys trying to 'sell' The Big Kahuna..the president of a large manufactureing company, on their industrial lubricants. The young 'Jesus is Lord' happens by chance to get The Big Kahuna's ear...and spends the entire convention time, talking Jesus, not industrial lubricants. Kevin Spacey and Danny Devito rip the kid for his blatant disregard for the industrial lubricant Company they work for...but the Jesus kid just doesn't get it.

    The one defining moment to me, was when Danny DeVito says to the kid;
    this after the kid admits to bringing up the subject of Jesus with the prospect...the gist of which:

    "One 'pitch' is the same as the other. Selling Jesus or industrial lubricants, it is a 'pitch' all the same". Danny then goes on to advise the kid, that if he really was interested in the 'prospect', really interested in him as a person, he would have asked about what the guy really likes to do, what his interests and hobbies are, not trying to SELL Jesus. The kid starts qouting Jesus, and the apostle Paul. Spacey is infuriated with the kid, DeVito tries to show him the absurdity of his position, but to no avail the final scene is the kid in animated conversation with the Big Kahouna...obviously talking Jesus not industrial lubricants.

    All of the emotions and inner struggles of these three characters, made imo a very enjoyabe hour and a half....watch it if you can.


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