Did the WTBTS pay its French Tax Debt

by Ticker 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • Ticker

    Just curious as I never did here what became of the tax penalty levied against the Org.. Are they still trying to fight it in court? Have they finally conceded to "pay ceasers things to ceaser" and pay the bill? Or have they hypocritically failed to prove good on their own councel and avoided paying the tax fine? If so how did they do that and how do they justify it in accord with their teachings? Thanks if you can help.


  • Ticker

    Sorry I should have stated that this is dealing with the tax on donations that was levied against the WTBTS in France. I guess I assumed the title was self explanitory, sorry for not stating this in my opening questions.


  • Honesty

    Last I heard the WTBTS has appealed the ruling. Hopefully, France will run the cult out of the country.

  • Ticker

    Figures that they would be deadbeats when it comes to paying, but heaven forbid some witness follow their actions because they would probably be disfellowshipped. This just seems so hypocritical to me on the part of the Org.

    Thanks Honesty for giving me the scoop on that situation, much appreciated.


  • Narkissos

    Apparently not yet. They have appealed before the European court of Human Rights, trying to link the French case (tax issue) with the Russian case (outright ban in the Moscow area) if I understood correctly. A couple of weeks ago, JWs were still trying to gather signatures for a petition on this issue. (I guess Motema Bolingo or Clementine could provide the link to a copy of the petition on "TJQuestions," and perhaps additional info if any.)

  • Ticker

    Thanks for the info Narkissos, much appreciated. Be interesting to see what the outcome will be, I hope that they have to pay, its only fair.


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