Catch Phrases and Buzz Words - Your Easter Holiday Homework

by POs Son 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • POs Son
    POs Son

    This is your vocabulary lesson for this week: Come up with as many JW catch phrases and buzz words, then use them in a sentance. Consider this your homework assignment over the Easter Holiday. I'll start.

    1. Faithful and Discreet Slave ("The F.D.S. reccomends that we add a sixth meeting each week, as Jeehover has directed us")
    2. Bethel ("My son is in Bethel, I am one step from being Anointed")
    3. Disfellowship ("I accidentally enjoyed myself in the shower last night. I should stop bathing so as not to be disfellowshipped")
    4. Reach out ("Brother Suckup seems to be reaching out for a position of responsibility. He has cleaned the urinals twice today.")
    5. Privileges ("Brother Suckup now has the privelege of cleaning the sink and toilet, also.")

    6. Attendant ("Excuse me, You may not save two seats with your briefbag, see here, my name tag says I am an attendant.")

    7. Circuit Overseer ("Brothers, the circuit overseer will visit next week. Please bring your family so we dont get yelled at for poor attendance.")

    8. District Overseer ("Our keynote address will be read given by Brother X, the District Overseer. It is entitled, 'Using the Amway approach to recruiting members'".)

    9. Presiding Overseer ("Who do you think you are talking to? I am the Presiding Overseer's wife, I am closer to being annointed than you.")

    10. Worldwide Work ("What better use could there be for your college funds than to contribute to the Worldwide Work?")

    11. _____ Book (fill in your favorite color) "Honey, get the green book, it will keep the table from wobbling.")

    12. Field Service ("Hey, Billy, guess what? If you skip field service, there are three channels of cartoons on TV on Saturday morning.")

    13. Pioneer ("When I applied for that new job, they wondered what 'Pioneer - 15 years' meant. I didn't get the job.")

    14. Roving Microphone ("Maybe after two or three years of cleaning the bathrooms, you can reach out for the privelege of handling the roving mic." - Haaa, the trifecta! 3 vocab words in one sentance!)

    15. Sound ("Brother Sanyo is working sound on Sunday, he must suck up to the elders")

    Ok, students, lets practice our vocabulary. This will be 10% of your grade for the semester.

  • jaffacake

    Can you please tell me what a P.O. is & where this fits into other positions/ranks?

  • POs Son
    POs Son

    Presiding Overseer=Grand Poobah

    Basically the lead minister, usually the President of the legal corporation of each congregation. Leads everything. See my screen name.... I recall it all.

  • jaffacake

    So that's the guy who just visited me. That's what I get for giving my JW friend a long list of hard questions.

  • New Worldly Translation
    New Worldly Translation

    Informal Witnessing - This weekend the cong will be informal witnessing which means everyone can wander aimlessly around the park or go to the airport and watch the planes. Woot!!!!

    Orange Paradise Book - Go get the old orange paradise book for our family study as it has even crazier ass stuff than the new red one.

    Spiritually Sick - That Brother has a beard! He must be spiritually sick.

    Food At The Proper Time - Aren't we all glad for this loving provision of food at the proper time? (Hmm.... I'd rather starve)

    Keep On The Watch - In these last days we must keep on the watch for.... anything!! Especially Hollywood movies, popular music and sports, in fact having a good time in general. We must remain paranoid at all times brothers!

    Offer for the month - The offer for the month is the creation book cos we printed too many at bethel and have a shed full and need to get shut of them.

  • Honesty

    Honeee!! I can't find my "Reasoning From the Scriptures" and I need it to refute those goats that aren't open to discussing the bible in a reasonable manner.

  • Satanus

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