Adam named millions of species

by cheeseman 5 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • cheeseman

    I am intrigued by this:

    GEN 2:19 And out of the ground the LORD God formed every beast of the field, and every fowl of the air; and brought them unto Adam to see what he would call them: and whatsoever Adam called every living creature, that was the name thereof.

    A quick search at the national geographic showed:

    To date, taxonomists have identified less than two million distinct species, mostly mammals and birds. But it's estimated that the number of undiscovered species—primarily fish, fungi, insects, and microbes—ranges from ten million to more than one hundred million. Even at the low estimate, it's an enormous number.

    I'm wondering how long was it before Adam was done?

    Assuming there are just 2 million species and that Adam took just one second to name each one it would take...

    2,000,000 seconds / 60 = 33333 minutes / 60 = 555 hours / 24 = 23 days. Not bad going. However, if the 100 million estimate is more accurate it would take 1150 days or 3 years and a month or two. Quite a feat of endurance!

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    It only took a couple of days. He was stuck in the Garden of Eden. The cuddly wuddly koala bears were in Australia, so he didn't get to name them.

  • IP_SEC

    This is one of my favorite things to harp on about the dubs wacked out past teachings.

    *** w68 5/1 p. 271 Making Wise Use of the Remaining Time ***

    4 According to reliable Bible chronology Adam was created in the year 4026 B.C.E., likely in the autumn of the year AAAhhh what speculation.

    , at the end of the sixth day of creation. Then God brought the animals to man to name. Yet, of Adam, Genesis states these words of Jehovah: ?It is not good for the man to continue by himself.? (Gen. 2:18) Adam would realize this lonely condition very quickly AAAhhh what speculation.

    , perhaps in just a few days or a few weeks AAAhhh what speculation.

    . He would realize he needed another earthling with whom he could communicate, share his experiences, and his life. Nor would his naming the animals take an unduly long time. AAAhhh what speculation. The basic animal kinds could have been relatively quickly named, AAAhhh what speculation.

    for when such basic kinds were taken into the ark in Noah?s day, it did not involve millions of beasts, but perhaps only a few hundred basic kinds. Thus, Adam?s naming of the animals and his realizing that he needed a counterpart would have occupied only a brief time after his creation. AAAhhh what speculation. Since it was also Jehovah?s purpose for man to multiply and fill the earth, it is logical that he would create Eve soon after Adam, perhaps just a few weeks AAAhhh what speculation.

    or months AAAhhh what speculation. later in the same year, 4026 B.C.E. After her creation, God?s rest day, the seventh period, immediately followed.

    ooohhhhh basic animal kinds. Could Adman even have named every class, much less every order or family in only a few weeks? There is no emoticon for my level of hysterical laughing right now.

  • franklin J
    franklin J

    if we are playing that game:

    1) try to figure out how long it took the Hebrews fleeing Pharohs Chariots to cross the Red Sea ( parted waters)

    2) try to figure out how much room was on Noahs Ark for each of the animals, based on the description and the measurements given

    I think the old Aid book tried to work this out. Never made much sense to me.

  • jula71

    franklin J, I've thought about the flood many times, talk about not making sense. There are millions of species of animals, all of them were on board? One example, reptiles. There a over 6500 KNOWN species of reptiles, who knows how many unknown. Noah and his boys went out and caught them all? How about insects? ect...

  • robhic
    There a over 6500 KNOWN species of reptiles, who knows how many unknown. Noah and his boys went out and caught them all?

    Crikey! Ya gotta sneak up on the big buggers when they're sleeping. There's nothing more dangerous than a large croc when he's awake! (How can you type an Aussie accent? )

    As far as time goes, if "a year is but a day" 23 days would be 23 years to name all the animals. And what about some of that "a day is a thousand years" stuff? Twenty three thousand years to name just "most" of the animals? I don't theenk so!

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