To those with adult kids that drive.remind them never pick up hitchhikers

by candidlynuts 0 Replies latest jw friends

  • candidlynuts

    Woman Disappears On Her Way To Middle Tennessee
    Posted: 3/23/2005 4:51:00 PM
    Updated: 3/23/2005 6:41:31 PM

    A woman on her way to Franklin to visit her parents has turned up missing, and the FBI has joined the investigation into her disappearance.
    29 year-old Amanda Bateman left Chandler, Oklahoma on Sunday.

    She was supposed to arrive in Franklin, Tennessee on Monday to visit her family, but she never arrived.

    Bateman's Dodge Neon was found in Dallas, Texas Tuesday morning, and officials said foul play was suspected in her disappearance.

    Bateman's sister said Amanda called her early Sunday morning to tell her she picked up a hitchhiker in Memphis.

    Police in Dallas were looking for 30 year-old Bobby Joe McCauley, who they believed was the hitchhiker Bateman picked up.

    Officials said McCauley was the last person to place a call from Bateman's cell phone in Dallas.

    Bateman?s family said McCauley called his mother in Georgia to say he had just killed a woman.

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